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Crimson Slaughter

Kol Saresk

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What exactly is their icon? I'm asking because I was just looking at the 360 degree look at the new Aspiring Champion because, well because it is a bloody awesome mini, and I noticed an icon on its right shoulderpad that I had never seen before. I think it looks like a skull with really tiny black wings or something. Is this the Crimson Slaughter's emblem or is it some other new/old/unexplored Warband?
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The Crimson Slaughter Icon, as far as I can tell, is a Skull, with the upper portion of a halved chaos star behind. Its on the dread's upper hull as well.


Yep I think this is their newer Icon.


The old one was this one, as far as I am aware of:




Not a big difference though, it's a skull on a Chaos Star.

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In the novel Dark Vengeance, Brother Librarian Turmiel enters the mind of the Helbrute, shielding the marine trapped within from the forces of chaos assiling its spirit. In describing the mental representation of the Helbrute in his earlier loyal Crimson Sabre form, it says,

"The captive himself will seem incongruous in these surroundings, clad as he will be in a full suit of power armour, completely red save for the left pauldron which will be black with a crimson sword icon emblazoned upon it."


The DA upgrade sprue has some plain sword pauldrons, or one could easily paint a red sword onto a black pad. Variations of this along with more chaotic symbols could be used in one's particular group of renegade Crimson Sabre/Crimson Slaughter marines.

Here's a Crimson Slaughter avatar if anyone would like it.


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