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The thing I was afraid off happend, people having hopes to make him the best :).

Now I do understand the comments but some things I think should not go to far into are:


- He sometimes sees parts of the future, this is by no means a 2 or 3 level psyker. 1 is more than enough.

Do not forget the Emperor did not like the use of psycic abilities all to much!

- Preffered Enemy is something that should come forth out of experience, if he has this agains Chaos Space Marines it would be quite a :cussty move.

Again I do believe he could recieve hatred here. Same goes for the Khornate Daemons. A general hatred for Chaos would really be enough.

- Heroic Intervention/Flanking/Full flight...No, just no, it's a primarch people will know he's comming along, he can have a jump pack but it's not like he was a Gundam or something xD.

- Black Rage... nope no transferring of that, yet. I think it would be cool he would get Rage when he's down to his last wounds.

He is not as Angron, always mad, but becomes like this later in the battle (see FLUFF)


Gives all BA models with jump packs Descent of Angels.

Inspiring presence; All models within 12" of sanguinius reroll failed to hit rolls on the turn they charge into combat

The Far seeing eye - 3+ invulnerable.

Why would he give all BA models with jump packs DoA? The other points look well.


Again I think the 1st post of Sangy is the best don't mix it all up with tons of special rules, there is no need for it nor does the fluff support it well enough.

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I'd definitely still swap Init and WS around, Init 9 is silly as he's never described as THAT quick... WS9 on the other hand makes sense as he is specifically noted as being one of only 3(afaik) primarchs that could best Horus when sparring.


He should definitely have full flight (as per a monstrous creature - he is noted as flying over the battlefield etc)


Still think his far seeing eye should be similar to what corbulo grants, purely as it describes corbulo as having a fraction of the primarchs ability to see the future.


Agree on no rage etc. But disagree on Rage when HE hits one wound, doesn't fit his background, if he gets rage from anywhere, it should definitely be from loss of his legionaries, perhaps once half the fielded army of models with the adeptus astrates (blood angel) rule are dead.


have 'Inspiring presence; All models within 12" of sanguinius reroll failed to hit rolls on the turn they charge into combat' as his Sire of the Blood Angels rule I guess.


Weapons would be a sword of some kind, probably something like the praetorian blades. plus an infernus pistol and MAYBE some stats for his wrist blade (that covers all the weapons from fear to tread)


Armour would definitely be artificer armour (2+) but I'd go with a 5+ invulnerable the same as fulgrim has. or maybe a 4+ and say it's an iron halo.


With the above, I'd expect him to cost a little over 400 points.

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I think Sanguinius needs full flight. The way he's described in the fluff, it fits.


I believe the reason someone suggested he confer DoA to his troops is that the primarchs basically unlock legion-specific rules. So, it's not strictly OTT; it's just unlocking that capability for his legion, which as the primarch, he's supposed to do. I think all the primarchs to this point do something like that for their legions.


We want to trim the Psyker Mastery back to 1, alright. I agree, he didn't manifest all that much aside from the prescience and the flaming sword, but while he wasn't Magnus, I've always had the impression that Sanguinius was fairly potent psychically speaking, and I'm not a BA player. You could mitigate this by making all his powers limited buffs for his troops or small combat bonuses for himself based off his righteous fury and prescience and get away with it. But I agree: he isn't Magnus-caliber.

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I have to agree with most but disagree in some parts which others have already covered.


I would like to see him have the spear of telesto as it is his weapon and a relic from the heresy. I also have to agree that he should be a monstrous creature with full flight. That would be pretty cool but minus the monstrous creature. In terms of Far Seeing Eye I would like for it to be more like Stern from GK with a single reroll per turn of any kind, but not giving the same to your opponent. To keep it balanced maybe give them the reroll too as he has tipped the balance in his favor the future has changed.


In terms of him being a psyker. I would say that he would get presience and a few of the pyromancy powers. idk of getting more than a mastery level of 3. I would see Magnus as Mastery Level 4 or even maybe 5.

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