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Brother Ambroz

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Pretty much as the topic says, what do we know about daemon princes in the coming codex? I've heard that we'll be able to take daemon weapons again, which would be welcome if true. So far what I've heard is they're going to be beastley but expensive. I've also heard rumors that they're losing EW, but I sincerely hope that isn't true.
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I've also heard rumors that they're losing EW, but I sincerely hope that isn't true.

Being a daemon, there is no need for have EW. It would be redundant.


Not so at all. You probably think that the daemon rule in the 6ed book states that daemon gives Eternal Warrior, but that is not the case at all.

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We have the snippet in WD saying that they can take daemon weapons (if you read through the WD you will find that at the end)


Then we have this:




And thats pretty much what we know.


Ps. Use this link to be able to magnify pic a bit: http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1348426712843.jpg

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But really, was anybody not expecting our Daemon Princes to become more expensive from the start? With their new stat increases they would obviously become even more expensive than even that...


So far there are just a few things that worry me about the codex, but the Daemon Prince is not one of them(mainly Thousand Sons worries). With some more wargear and gifts he could become quite powerful...exactly how powerful remains to be seen...

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For the points cost, I think (for me at least) that Daemon Princes will move into the realm of "Modelling Project" and "3rd+ HQ choice" for 2000pts+ games. This is unfortunate, since my trusty Nurgle Daemon Prince has been a central part of my army of The Purge.


I'm not happy about the Must take a mark of a chaos god, both from the added points cost and the fact that I still haven't adapted to the new paradigm. I mean, my Liber Chaotica has a whole chapter on Chaos Undivided ;)


However, once we have the wargear options in front of us, there may be some more inspiring options, but I will miss the good il' days of the inexpensive flying bullet sponge.

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I'm not worried about the point cost, I know some people are but for those people they can just take one of the cheaper options. I'm just worried that with all the points we can invest (and I'm sure alot of us will invest alot in these guys) they're not going to have EW and will go against some rending ID or force weapon and go splat!
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I think the Liber Chaotica stuff is now filed under "Archaic Fluff" along with stuff like Zoats, Malal and the like.




Oh my, Toughness 5 eh? Non Nurgle ones gonna cry against a Railgun. "How many points did you put in that one model? LOL put him back in the case."

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For the points cost, I think (for me at least) that Daemon Princes will move into the realm of "Modelling Project" and "3rd+ HQ choice" for 2000pts+ games. This is unfortunate, since my trusty Nurgle Daemon Prince has been a central part of my army of The Purge.


I'm not happy about the Must take a mark of a chaos god, both from the added points cost and the fact that I still haven't adapted to the new paradigm. I mean, my Liber Chaotica has a whole chapter on Chaos Undivided ;)


However, once we have the wargear options in front of us, there may be some more inspiring options, but I will miss the good il' days of the inexpensive flying bullet sponge.


Didnt realize you had to take a mark on the Princes now, if that is the case I wont be running one :*(

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Of course, I'm still trying to figure out what happens if you roll a 17-20 on the Boons table.

How would it be possible to do that on a D66 table(the first dice represents the first number, the second dice the second number)?













and so on...

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You guys are right on the money.

As soon as the 6th ed. book came out, there have been all kinds of Railgun and Leman Russ allies (Oh, I guess there's a couple of other units from those codicies, but you know) sprouting up.


Maybe the prevalance of AP3 and better shooting that I'm seeing means that I won't have to buy power armor! ;)

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Of course, I'm still trying to figure out what happens if you roll a 17-20 on the Boons table.

How would it be possible to do that on a D66 table(the first dice represents the first number, the second dice the second number)?













and so on...

I didn't know how D66 dice worked because I don't have any and I never used them before. So thanks for the explanation though.

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Maybe the prevalance of AP3 and better shooting that I'm seeing means that I won't have to buy power armor! :D

Hah! My princes usually die from things like bolter fire or regular grunt hits in melee...nothing fancy usually is used to take him down...


Needless to say I'll be buying me a lovely 3+ save for those 20 points! ;)

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Unless there's some way to buy EW for the princes from the armory they are more or less a dead entry in any competitive enviroment.

Add to that the dramatic point increase and the LD9 (which makes them very unreliable psykers).


See what GW did there?

Take the most popular HQ choice of the last codex (of which most chaos players have at least one if not two) and make them (one of) the least popular HQ choices so people will go out and buy the new expensive finecast Warpsmiths and Apostles. Subtle.


Anybody know if they can take veterans of the long war?


EDIT: Ok I guess they will actually have LD 10 because of veterans of the long war.

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I think VotLW is already included, and I think you are overreacting about the inclusion of DPs in competitive environments. People won't take two anymore, that's for sure...at lower points costs...
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I think VotLW is already included, and I think you are overreacting about the inclusion of DPs in competitive environments. People won't take two anymore, that's for sure...at lower points costs...


That of course remains to be seen but I really can't imagine that DPs now have a natural LD of 8.

Of course I can't speak for other metas of the world but around here 2 DPs were still quite common (although Chaos Lords leading Terminators were becoming quite popular).

Maybe I am overreacting a bit about the loss of EW but it really upsets me. I mean IIRC DPs were the first units in the game that even had EW. :)

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