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Landing Pad and Tzeentch


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Anyone use it? I imagine anything with Mark of Tzeentch and the shield part will be good.


New dex ideas. Obliterators and Havocs with Flak missiles on the pad. 3++ save with and better LoS and Range for flying bases.



This sounds like a mistake. Those shield walls on the landing pad are same size as aegis defense lines, which provide a 4+ cover save. I'm willing to bet if you devoted an army to this a few weeks afterwards GW would issue the FAQ updating it to a 4+ cover save.

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I don't know. It's part of their shielded rule. If Mark of Tzeench can be takeb on daemonic vehicles, oh boy. New gun platform. Plank 3 Forgefiends on there with a Chaos Techmarine, Warsmith comes to mind, but can't remember the name. Repairs, Invulnerable Saves, and It Will Not Die rolls. Not a great strategy, but annoying to deal with.
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Nice! I totally overlooked that it was an Invulnerable save and not a Cover save. I doubt that it will be FAQ'ed since I think it's suppose to be a force field and not just the wall coming up. I'm going to be using my floating Silver Towers as a Landing Pad now. Go go 3++ saves!
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I'm not sure if I want a landing pad or defense line with comm relay. My main army is Chaos Daemons with a splash of Tzeentch Marines. Commrelay would help my daemons, but Landing Pad would be just so much fun! I might need to make both. Objectives go down before fortifications, right? And if so, can a landing pad go on top of a objective? I figure if I'm going to exploit the landing pad, I might as well get as much as I can out of it.
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I'm not sure if I want a landing pad or defense line with comm relay. My main army is Chaos Daemons with a splash of Tzeentch Marines. Commrelay would help my daemons, but Landing Pad would be just so much fun! I might need to make both. Objectives go down before fortifications, right? And if so, can a landing pad go on top of a objective? I figure if I'm going to exploit the landing pad, I might as well get as much as I can out of it.


Objectives are after fortifications, furthermore on 121 no objectives can be placed in, or on, impassible terrain, buildings or fortifications. Aegis Defense lines are pretty sweet way to get around this rule.

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Under the pad isn't impassable terrain or in a building. I think it's legit - although I don't believe you could hold it from on top of the pad.


Wouldn't be 3 inches away....


I play with a Bastion frequently and I don't really have a problem moving the scoring unit out of the bastion on turn 5 typically. Enough other stuff is happening that I usually need to do it anyways.

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I might need to try this. I can't find anything against it except for cheesiness. Hug the edge, then jump down and run last turn. I wasn't sure how I would shift my list around for this, then I realized the landing pad is 5 points more than the Comm Relay Defense Line. So that's the Changling in the defense line list, no changling in landing pad list.
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What would the cheese factor be on putting two havoc missile launcher squads and some obliterators on the landing pad with Mark of Tzeentch? 14 Marine bodies, and 3 Obliterators. Havocs have upgraded missiles. 48" range on everythinf as well as a 3++. I don't want to be :cuss, but wabt something difficult to deal with.
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