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RAS - specialist or all-rounder?


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Up until now, due to lack of models, I've run a single Assault Squad - 10 Marines, Sergeant with Power Sword, one Flamer and one Meltagun, together with a Sanguinary Priest with a Jump Pack and a Power Sword.


I've just picked up a Battleforce and I'm going to build a second Assault Squad. My original plan was to duplicate the first, but now I'm thinking of both Flamers in one squad and both Meltaguns in the other, and possibly giving the Sergeant of the Flamer squad a Hand Flamer, and the Sergeant of the Meltagun squad an Infernus Pistol.


Are the Hand Flamers and Infernus Pistols a bit over the top, and would I be better putting the points into Power Fists instead?


Any thoughts welcome!

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In my experience Hand Flamers and Infernus Pistols are a waste of points, as are Fists/Hammers on Sergeants in 6th. Against a competent opponent you'll just get challenged by someone swinging a Power Sword/Claw at Initiative and killed before you swing or you refuse the challenge and can't swing. Keep the Power Swords, IMO and give him Melta Bombs for some anti-AV14/MC capability.


I would always advise Meltaguns on Assault Squads, unless you regularly face lots of horde-type armies. The only time Flamers are really useful (again, excepting when you face hordes) is for Overwatch and if your Assault Squads are getting charged you're doing it wrong.

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If it were me, I'd suggest one with flamers and one with meltas. One melta shot could miss or do little to actually kill a vehicle. Two meltas gives you much better odds of taking it down. You can always use krak grenades if you need to do some vehicle hunting with the flamer squad (or add in Melta Bombs on the Sergeant and/or Priest to better improve your odds).


As to the pistols, most of the time, they are more points than it is worth spending on your Sergeants. With the challenge mechanic in 6th edition, I think everyone is still trying to figure out what the best sergeant load-outs are so it will be a while before the meta game settles enough to determine things for sure. Some people have even suggested that you could arm you Sergeant with two specialist pistols and make him ranged only. When he gets challenged, he just runs away. Its an interesting idea, but if you consider it, you'll probably want double plasma pistols or double Infernus so that you can make the most of the opportunity roll some sixes and direct the wounds to where they will do the most good. I'd say from a competitive standpoint, if your sergeants already have a power weapon, don't make them even more expensive by giving them a shiny pistol too. BUT I admit that both of my raven-riding assault squads have sergeants with PWs and IPs and it does look very cool. ^_^ I can also use skies of blood and a Beacon to drop out the back of the SR and shoot three melta shots at something --which can be fun. I'm not going to say its a super competitive build though... :D

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