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Great Crusade/Heresy Era Emperor's Children


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OK, so as my Raven Guard army - Shadow Force Dragomir - nears completion I'm reviewing my options for my next hobby project. I've tried a few things - HH era Ultramarines, white Marines (potentially Star Phantoms) and returning to my Brazen Claws among them - but nothing has really caught my eye until now. And what caught it was a mix of Forge World's new Horus Heresy stuff and some lovely HH era Emperor's Children models that have been popping up all over the net.

Here on the B&C Dargor's PH blog is excellent and his EC are a particular inspiration for this project. And although I started before I saw Duncs' work, I'm sure he'll provide plenty of inspiration in the near future for me too ;)

CMON and the other major 40K boards also have plenty of HH EC eye candy too.

At any rate, I've spent some time this week searching for my EC look and I think I'm very close to achieving it with my first test model:


Built from undercoated bitz already lying around I'm very happy with my basic purple scheme, although I'm less happy with the gold and will be looking for a new, smoother/cleaner/crisper recipe for that as a priority.

In contrast to my neat and tidy Raven Guard I've decided I'm going to weather my EC, partly as a change from the RG and partly to learn something new.

I need to work on placing and sizing for battle damage but I think my grey 'ceramite' under the purple is the way I'm going to go here, I tried metallics but didn't like it and the brown look used by many got overwhelmed by the dark purple. I need to build up some experience with the technique (so if you've got some beaten up models please link me up!) but I think it'll look good once I get a handle on it.

I've also used some weathering powders for the first time, I like the dusty pre-fixative look but the powders comes off so very, very easily and so I've tried a few things here. His left leg has a fixative+powder mix painted on then brushed off to leave a thin residue that dried a bit streaky, it looks OK, but not much more although his left foot turned out awful.

I've used straight powder to dull areas near battle damage, I really like the way it looks (see either shoulder pad for a good example) but it does brush off easily. On the backpack vents (the horizontal lines in the lower portion of the pack rather than the big round exhausts) is probably the most successful bit of weathering - black powder I then ov erwhelmed with fixative. Took forever to dry and did change the look but I quite like it, even if it is very subtle on that purple.

I think the answer is more practice and experimentation but weathering advice is most welcome :(

Oh, and best helmet lenses I ever painted or what?! Sure, I've seen plenty better but I'll be happy if I can replicate that look for the army for sure.

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