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Hey guys,


Some of you may have read my other topic 'Wanting to sell painted models...' where I asked about how to start selling my miniatures, and all the responses were very helpful. So hopefully you guys can pull through for me again. :D


With the guidance of certain members of the forum I decided that painting stuff up to be Dark Angels would be best right now, so I purchased a Company Master, Terminator Squad, Tactical Squad and a DA Veteran Squad, and the following questions are regarding these models:


With the Tac Squad I would like to magnetise some different weapon options, I have purchased some extra shoulder pads (10 DA Vet ones I think) to be able to do some swaps, could anyone recommend a few weapon combos that I could make work. I will also be magnetising the sergeants head to allow helmet/no helmet options I think.


I will also be magnetising the Terminator Sergeants head to allow the same option, do sergeants in the DW have different colored helmets to the rest of the squad according to the codex? I may also magnetise a few weapon swaps as I have a few DW shoulder pads extra too, any recommendations?


Not sure what the best options for the vet squad are, any suggestions??


I will be magnetising the DA CM head as I believe there is a helmet and also a hooded head in the package?


If anyone can help that would be great, I'll be home in a few weeks so hopefully within in the next 4 weeks or so I should have things to show not just talk about. I will be posting a tabletop quality mini as soon as I can, to show my level of painting to help decide with selling price (@Moderators- I wont be trying to sell them here, its merely so I dont overcharge anyone) but thats my other topic......


Thanks again guys,



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in the current codex there aren't any distinctions for the helmet colour for DW sergents/vet sergents


weapon swap wise

tactical sergent: bolter/power weapon/fist/chainsword on one arm bolt pistol/plasma/chainsword/empty hand pistol on the other covers pretty much everything a tactical sergeant can take bar metlabombs

Vets: not sure on the best load out here vs whast actually in the box in game terms. go nuts! or wait for someone who actually uses vets to respond ^_^

DW: depends on whether you have tactical or assault termies.

tacticals - just heavy weapons swaps and maybe a chainfist.

assault - option to change up to 3 to LC's from hammers or SB/PF's / heavy weapons if you have the bits as DA can mix and match between type in one unit. Also, include the sergent for the swap options for LCs vs Th/SS or even SB/PW as with the chalenge rules now it will be desirable to be able to change their loadout

I wouldn't go to crazy with the magnets on infantry. You'll end up doing a lot of work that won't make them more valuable but will be less sturdy.


For the heads, Just make a good looking model and go with it. I would think that most people buying painted stuff want a functional army that looks good, don't give them too many decisions to make.


I would magnetize a few weapon options on the TAC squad, plasma/melta/flamer and the heavy weapons too, Plasma/Missiles. Give the sarg a plasma pistol or a combi-plas and call it good.


As for the Termies, I wouldn't magnetize them at all. They will buy multiple terminator units to fill the roles they want (assault vs shooty). If anything just go 2LCs and 2THs on assault termies and magnetize the sarg, but having the TH/SS permanent isn't a bad thing.

Shooty terms just need 1 chainfist in the squad and you could magnetize the heavy weapon options.


That's my thought on it anyway...

Thanks for the quick responses.

For the Terminators, I was think of just doing the sergeant head swap and the heavy weapons, so that's prob what I'll do.


Will prob just have one or two guys in the Tac squad that can have arm swaps. And maybe the sarge head swap.


I'll have a look at the options for the vets and see what I can do. I'll prob just have one or two of them with mag arms.



  • 1 month later...

Alright, two more quick questions:


I've had a look around for painting black, and while there are several about, they pretty much all involve edge highlighting, which I want to avoid on this model as much as possible (and it also has a lot of very large rounded armour plates so edges are a moot point there) so I was considering doing something along the lines of this:

Mixing a blue into the black to make my basecoat colour, highlighting with lots of glaze layers of the blue and putting the shading in with lots of black glazes, do you think this will work? (It is a very large model...)


And also, can I mix Vallejo Gloss and Matt Varnishes to get a somewhat Satin-esque varnish? (I would just buy satin varnish if I could, but I can't)


Cheers guys. (And girls, I'm sure there are a few on here and I don't wanna be labelled a sexist pig :))

the idea for painting black can work - i've used it myself. you an use either blues, greens or browns depeding on the look you are going for (green can be a bit of a funny one though)


i will say though is that it works best when worked up to a little bit of edge highlighting also, blue can be a bit 'warm' looking for armour where as grey looks colder/more man made.


not tried mixing varnishes - am sure i've heard of it being done before. there are satin varnishes to buy but i asssume your comment is more than you are not in a situation to buy them.

I wouldn't bother magnetising infantry at all. It's more hassle than its worth. Choose a reasonably sensible option and stick with it. Vary from squad to squad, and aim to sell multiple squads rather than up the work on each.


Black is best handled in two ways; stark edges and VERY subtle blends. On larger surfaces both of these are used.


I'd avoid mixing varnishes, and simply order in a varnish of the right type= consistency of finish is important as you're not likely to varnish the entire squad / model in one mix; Windsor & Newton Galleria varnishes are good and widely available.

Thanks for the replies (you guys are really on the ball on this forum...)


I'm hoping that by using a gazillion glazing layers that the blends will be subtle. It is a huge model (about 14-15 inches) and some of the armour plates are about 2 inches long so theres plenty of room for testing.


I only ask about the varnish as I never thought about this model in particular when I bought all the paints etc I needed and forgot I'd need a satin finish to the armour.


Thanks again.

  • 1 month later...
Has anyone had any trouble with GW Imperial Primer when applying it with an airbrush? I ask because on my DA Company Master I ended up with strange beading on it (no it wasn't spatter, and yes I had washed, rinsed and dried the model) kind of like oil on a hard surface... After a few thin coats though. it worked itself out. Now I read somewhere that its actually a 'greasy' paint and that using an alcohol based thinning medium would help with some problems. Today I primed a model with IP mixed with VGC Dead White, thinned with a 70/30 mix of Windex/alcohol and had zero problems with beading. (Can't post models here, but check FB page if you're interested) and was curious as to whether or not anyone else had had similar issues?

Glad to see your still having a go at this mate. I'd love to see your results, if you want to PM me! :P


As far as priming with an airbrush, I know your in a hard spot for ordering, but I'd recommend getting a Vallejo primer. Not a huge fan of GW brush on primer myself and when I airbrush a primer I almost exclusively use Vallejo paints.


I like the idea of using blues in your black recipe. Shadow Grey from the old line made a great paint for highlighting black to a blue hue. I'd even go up to turquoise mixed in. Just my personal preference.


How have you decided to paint the Deathwing?

Glad to see your still having a go at this mate. I'd love to see your results, if you want to PM me! :huh:


As far as priming with an airbrush, I know your in a hard spot for ordering, but I'd recommend getting a Vallejo primer. Not a huge fan of GW brush on primer myself and when I airbrush a primer I almost exclusively use Vallejo paints.


I like the idea of using blues in your black recipe. Shadow Grey from the old line made a great paint for highlighting black to a blue hue. I'd even go up to turquoise mixed in. Just my personal preference.


How have you decided to paint the Deathwing?


I'd love to post more stuff, but work/life has been getting on top of me lately and haven't done much. (And some of the stuff I'm working on cant't be shown here. although, Guyver is technically a power armour right...? ;) ) Also my Sanguinary Guard (well, one of them) met his demise due to super glue explosion, was totally bummed by that, love those models, so I had to start my Company Master... When I get tired of painting I start cleaning up the next lot of guys (my Deathwing) or I change 'scale'.


My Deathwing will be primed grey, then a light brown and the base colour will be Bleached Bone which will be highlighted up to a creamy white. I'll be magnetising the heavy weapon guy so he can be either flamer or assault cannon.


I will post more pics soon, I have terrible internet here, and it takes forever to upload pics, which is partly why I don't have more updates. :ermm:

  • 2 weeks later...


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