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How to equip Chaos Terminators?

Cmdr Shepard

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so i hope im reading this wrong, but it seems like the termi champion has to pay more for all of his upgrades. as it says chaos terminators can swap their weapons for the following three options. but technically i think the champ isnt allowed to take form those three as his name is different? is that true then?
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I'm considering gearing up my own terminators with a reaper & chainfist, reaper & power weapon, 2 combi-meltas, 5 combi-plasmas, and champion with chainfist and lightning claw. I know this makes the champion extremely expensive, but I'm thinking this will give him enough versatility to take on essentially anything while the Lord or Sorcerer that accompanies the squad can do his thing. The squad also weighs in at 491, but since I intend to take Huron for a counts-as Alpha LEgion Lord, this could make one nasty infiltrating unit.


Or should I break them up in 2 squads of 5?

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Or should I break them up in 2 squads of 5?




No. Huron's ability to Infiltrate models is dependent on a d3 roll; if you roll a one or two, you'll only be Infiltrating one small squad of Termies, which means they'll get butchered by small arms fire. Keeping a big block means that you'll always be able to Infiltrate that one giant unit of Termies. Everything else can sit in a Rhino and drive forward while your opponent does his dead level best to kill off the Terminators.

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No. Huron's ability to Infiltrate models is dependent on a d3 roll; if you roll a one or two, you'll only be Infiltrating one small squad of Termies, which means they'll get butchered by small arms fire. Keeping a big block means that you'll always be able to Infiltrate that one giant unit of Termies. Everything else can sit in a Rhino and drive forward while your opponent does his dead level best to kill off the Terminators.


Flawed awnser Deus because of multiple reasons:


- On avarage Huron will let you put 2 units in infiltrate. Divide and Conquer. If your only able to infiltrate one unit it might not end up you wanted it to be anyway.

- Secondly you actually need to be able to fit 10 huge terminators behind that bush you want to infiltrate....

- A unit of 10 terminators will not be ignored, you'll get tons and tons of small arms fire on them unless your opponent is blind.

- You will not be always able to infiltrate them on any table in a competative setting where it actually makes a difference.


You do play the game?

Or do you only discuss on the internet?

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No. Huron's ability to Infiltrate models is dependent on a d3 roll; if you roll a one or two, you'll only be Infiltrating one small squad of Termies, which means they'll get butchered by small arms fire. Keeping a big block means that you'll always be able to Infiltrate that one giant unit of Termies. Everything else can sit in a Rhino and drive forward while your opponent does his dead level best to kill off the Terminators.


Flawed awnser Deus because of multiple reasons:


- On avarage Huron will let you put 2 units in infiltrate. Divide and Conquer. If your only able to infiltrate one unit it might not end up you wanted it to be anyway.

- Secondly you actually need to be able to fit 10 huge terminators behind that bush you want to infiltrate....

- A unit of 10 terminators will not be ignored, you'll get tons and tons of small arms fire on them unless your opponent is blind.

- You will not be always able to infiltrate them on any table in a competative setting where it actually makes a difference.


You do play the game?

Or do you only discuss on the internet?


1. Maybe it's because your sentence structure is horrible and confusing, but I fail to see how I can fail to get my ten man Terminator unit Infiltrated when I'm Infiltrating a minimum of one unit -- and I get to pick which units are Infiltrating.


2. Bush? What bush? Mark of Tzeentch gives me a 4+ Invulnerable save against anything that's AP2, and 4+ is better than the 5+ you'll get off of most terrain in this edition.


3. Who said anything about being ignored? The last line of my post mentions how them being up front and in the enemy's face is going to draw off all the enemy's AT guns, which allows things like Rhino-borne Troops squads to get closer to the enemy free of harassment. Yeah, dumping small arms dice into Terminators is the best way to kill them, but when there are ten of them, killing off three or four models using three or four squads' worth of shooting doesn't neuter the Terminators the way it would if there were only, say, five.


4. I haven't yet played a tournament in 6th Edition so I don't know if most of them allow Warlord Traits or not. This, however, has absolutely no bearing on EFTY's question because he specifically said he's taking a counts-as-Huron for his Alpha Legion specifically for the guaranteed Infiltration Warlord Trait. Just like I plan on doing as well.


5. Yes, at least once a week. In point fact, I played a game last night prior to my LGS' midnight release of the codex and new models. I played a 2,000 point game against a Space Wolf/IG list. My five man Infiltrated Terminator squad got first turn and put two combi-plasmas and a reaper autocannon into a Basilisk and blew it up Turn One before it could murderize my Havoc squad and their four missile launchers standing off in my backfield. They then survived an IG veteran squad and a Long Fang pack's combined fire with no casualties and proceeded to mulch the Long Fangs with bolter-fire and power axes. Thus, right off the bat, I have practical experience that proves that my theory is sound.

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So I'm redoing my Thousand sons, in paticular my terminators, and have come to what will be my new terminator champion model in my 1500pts force.

Champion Narmer is based on the Dark vengeance terminator sergeant model, and I am going to be giving him a combi melta, though am keeping him with a power weapon of some kind, not sure which though. The squad he's with is 5 terminators with a pair of lightning claws, a fist and at the moment 3 power weapons including him, though if I could find 1pt somewhere in my list I would have enough to get another power fist.

So which Weapon should Champion Narmer of the Thousand sons take to battle with his combi melta, looking at it he looks good with sword, axe or mace,my gaming group has 2 other chaos players (one Black legion with forgefeind and plague marines, the other is Night lords with World eaters)2 dark angel players (though one also playes IG and DE more often) one Vanilla marine player, a necron player and few other xenos players who pop in sometimes.

The sword would be good against all the power armour, however could struggle to wound and against terminators (the loyalist players use units of them, chaos players use terminator armoured lords, one with dual claws, the other with an axe and combi bolter.) and against things like Forgefeinds, necron spyders ect, he would have a hard time hurting them.

The Maul will always be able to wound people, but can't penetrate power or terminator armour, the amount of wounds however do offset that slightly, plus it is possibly the coolest looking one, if only because it makes him look like his name sake. The sorcerer who will use the squad a s a bodyguard how ever, has a staff, so maybe..

The axe can cut through all armour, has plus one strength so wounding is not a problem, does however, strike last and look the worst of the weapons I have (wish you could get a pack of just power axes, not chain axes FW.)

I'm leaning towards the Mace myself, but am wondering what people generally think.

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The force staff and power maul have the same S & AP, so if you take a maul on the sergeant, you are limiting your options when it comes to fighting different types of enemies with your characters -- an important point since we must fight challenges. Personally, I'd go with the axe since there are very few CCWs that cut TDA at Initiative. Sure, you'll strike last -- but your hits will count since you're now S5 AP2. If you're fighting someone like Eldar or Tau or a Tyrant where the either 1. the AP2 is overkill or 2. you need the extra point of strength, then switch up to the Sorceror.
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I'm a bit worried he will get killed before he strikes,I admit a couple of my Aspiring Sorcerers have force axes, but that is as their is no one else in the squad who could deal with terminators. If I was to take an axe, I'd want to drop a ruberic to take the mark of Tzeentch on the the terminators.

What I could do is model one axe guy with a combi melta, and a mace one with one as well, that way I could Nominate who was the champion per army possibly, though I would prefer to have just the one champion model. I'm really wishing that "Champions of chaos" gave our champions +1 or a form of feel no pain.

Also anyone know where I could get a good axe? nt that keen on the terminator ones.

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I'm a bit worried he will get killed before he strikes,I admit a couple of my Aspiring Sorcerers have force axes, but that is as their is no one else in the squad who could deal with terminators. If I was to take an axe, I'd want to drop a ruberic to take the mark of Tzeentch on the the terminators.

What I could do is model one axe guy with a combi melta, and a mace one with one as well, that way I could Nominate who was the champion per army possibly, though I would prefer to have just the one champion model. I'm really wishing that "Champions of chaos" gave our champions +1 or a form of feel no pain.

Also anyone know where I could get a good axe? nt that keen on the terminator ones.


Doesn't the loyalist assault marine have a power axe? It's pretty basic, but its an axe.

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