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New Chosen w/ Jump packs

Guest ShinKosh

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Guest ShinKosh

Brothers, I've been looking around at the drips around the net about the new Codex and a lot of it seems good, few things seem iffy etc. Right now I think it's an upgrade from the spikey vanilla we are currently using so I have no major grips with it.


The one thing though that I have been wondering is exactly how flexible Chosen will be? We have Warp Talons right now and while not matching up to say Sanguinary Guard they do seem pretty nice but has anyone had a sniff around the new Chosen options? I can't seem to fine any pictures of this or even a typed up preview. What I'm really looking for is a squad of power weapon wielding jump packed loons for my Night Lords but short of just decking out in Warp Talons from ear to ear I was wondering if my elites could do the job.


Has anyone seen anything on the Chosen options?

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The only thing I've heard about Chosen is that they are more expensive and they lost Infiltrate. Haven't heard how much or anything about options. What I know about Warp Talons is that they share Fast Attack with Raptors and where Raptors seem to be Fast Attack Assault Support, Warp Talons seem to be equipped only for close-combat.
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Guest ShinKosh

Hmm, I’ve saw that Chosen have their normal 2 base attacks/Ld9 while WT's have A1/Ld8. Even with a Deep strike option and a squad worth of lightning claws, WT's don't seem to be 'that' great, doubly from the AP3 rules for claws.


That said, I just relised I’ve not seen the complete rules for Warp Talons either :)

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Hmm, I’ve saw that Chosen have their normal 2 base attacks/Ld9 while WT's have A1/Ld8. Even with a Deep strike option and a squad worth of lightning claws, WT's don't seem to be 'that' great, doubly from the AP3 rules for claws.


That said, I just relised I’ve not seen the complete rules for Warp Talons either ;)


Perhaps Warp Talons will be "bad" point for point. However, they sound like a grand card to play mid-game though, if you manage to hide them. A mobile squad with lightning claws can surely be useful in many battles.

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Hmm, I’ve saw that Chosen have their normal 2 base attacks/Ld9 while WT's have A1/Ld8. Even with a Deep strike option and a squad worth of lightning claws, WT's don't seem to be 'that' great, doubly from the AP3 rules for claws.


That said, I just relised I’ve not seen the complete rules for Warp Talons either :tu:


Perhaps Warp Talons will be "bad" point for point. However, they sound like a grand card to play mid-game though, if you manage to hide them. A mobile squad with lightning claws can surely be useful in many battles.


Yeah, that will be the defining quality for them. The lack of anti armor kinda bothers me on them, if they could take a power fist or something, even on the champ I would feel a lot better. The base Raptors however can take a couple meltaguns, the champ can take a power fist or a power weapon + meltabombs. Just feels better all around for me, and for half the price. Though you miss out on the 5++ and lightning claws but if you have ever played Blood Angels you should know that a normal assault squad can handle a normal squad fairly easily without any power weapons.


I am gonna try them though, they may have some more options that make it a better rounded unit. We will see :D

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