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How do you guys kit out your regular csms?

Magnus Thane

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I definitely intend to take veterans of the long war and the extra close combat weapon upgrades to keep them versatile and effective objective holders. I am going to rip off the power fists on my champs and put on power weapons.


What I am unsure about is my current double melta and rhino setup. i am thinking about foot slogging now since rhinos are so much more restrictive when it comes to disembarking, stunned/shaken carries over, can't claim/contest in them anymore, and they are so much easier to destroy (with an easy chance for first blood). If so, then I am thinking about plasma, although I really hate gets hot rolls (which I seem to fail all the time).


I looked hard at the space wolves and plasma seems popular on grey hunter packs, but they have wolf priests to help mitigate gets hot. And when they use melta they usually do so in drop pod squads. Since we have neither option it didn't help me out too much (thanks a lot crazy space wolves). The closest thing we have is a 1 in 6 chance of getting the warlord trait of preferred enemy space marines, when fighting space marines.


Anyway, I am thinking of:


1. 2 x pg (steadily move forward laying down a constant stream of suppressive fire, culminating in rapid fire madness while other elements of my army charge in against weakened units)

2. 2 x mg (I will lose out on firepower as I move up the board, but once I close I am more assault oriented to support my other assaulting elements)

3. Autocannon and any given special weapon (offers the opportunity to sit back for a turn or two to pop transports if needed, and then move in to clear out infantry in conjunction with my assault elements)

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After some consideration, I'm proposing 4 CSM squad templates.


#1: 2x melta, power sword, melta bomb , extra ccw, and long war.

Role: all purpose squad with emphasis on killing armor and MEQ. Sword and bomb replaces fist due to challenges, point saving and grenades being usable against MC now.


#2: 2x plasma

Role: cheap scoring unit with medium range firepower. Shouldn't be in assault range so upgrades will be minimal.


#3: plasma, heavy weapon

Role: similar to #2 but trades mobility for range.


#4: 2x flamers, power maul, extra ccw

Role: light infantry killers. Maul either ID or wounds on 2's. Flamers and ccw provide bulk of short range death.


These only represent the minimim upgrades I recommend. Marks and vehicles could always be added. Templates could be mixed for more flexibilty if desired.

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