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Asmodai's Joy

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I threw up my hello on the Unforgiven hello thread, so now it's time for me to say hi to the rest of you. I first started dabbling with the idea of playing 40k at the end of 4th edition, but for numerous reasons wasn't able to follow through 'till now. That said, I was directed to this page by one of my fellow hobby enthusiasts who heard I was planning on building a Deathwing army. The forum name of Asmodai's Joy is one I've used since my decision to enter the game all those years ago, after spending a great deal of time reading the fluff for all the assorted armies that were available to me back then. I took a distinct shine to Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai more than slightly, but it was the story behind the Dark Angels in general that drew me in. The fluff of my own original character I had built was that he won Asmodai's confidence and became his protoge', hence the moniker "Asmodai's Joy".


When I'm not reading 40k forums and plotting the destruction of the Emperors enemies, I'm a student at a small college in northwest Ohio, who is coming off a wargames background of nearly thirty years at this point (started *very young*). I am also formerly a radio DJ from the area, and as such have a great deal of love for music, and am currently endeavoring to build a youtube playlist for the communities enjoyment when engaging in the hobby, or just feel like enjoying a fairly epic score to whatever else you might be doing (though I admit I don't know where would be the correct place to post it on this particular forum). Any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM, and may the Emperor's Gaze be upon you all.

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