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Green Stuff Claws

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Lamenter has made some and had them cast, you can buy them from his website www.masteroftheforge.com and the 3rd party site that does the casting. Try googleing/eBaying mechanical talons.


Thanx for suggestion, but I got those already, but that's not really what I need now. They are really huge, even for TDA models, and I want power armour variant. Will try to do something from plasticard, but hoped that I could do it with green stuff. Here are the claws Scibor did about 5 years ago:


roll out some greenstuff into a flat sheet, wait for it to dry, cut out claw shapes then pin them to fingers.


miliput is a better option for this as it dries harder and can be carved & sanded with better results.. using plasticard as a base would help get the shape right.


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