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Forgefiends and Maulerfiends

Iron Sage

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Having a read of that has told me what I want; Its got to be a Maulerfiend. with a Defiler as long range shooting - The alternative is of course a Forgefiend with a close combat Defiler lol. (Not getting one of each as the final HS slot will be some Havocs)
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anyone know what a "hades" autocannon is?

is it TLd like a reaper?


edit: given what i said before, 12" movement on a daemon engine with dual fists is pretty nice, should be turn 2 assaults


Moment, and I will find and post it (and edit this post of course). Give me 2-3 min..

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anyone know what a "hades" autocannon is?

is it TLd like a reaper?


edit: given what i said before, 12" movement on a daemon engine with dual fists is pretty nice, should be turn 2 assaults





That should help you! :devil:

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Hades autocanons are S8 AP4 Heavy 4 36" weapons.


The Maulerfiend, moves 12",Fleet, has Move through cover rule, is a Deamon, so 5++ save and Fear and It Will Not Die rule; on each turn he can regain a lost HP on a 5+.


Also has the Deamonforge rule; once per game he can rethrow failed to wound/Pen dices, must make a gets Hot kind test afterward.


His Magma cutters(wich come with the model as base wargear) can make additional attacks at S8 AP1 Armorbane; 1 hit if at least one of his attacks hits, and 2 if all his attacks hits.

Also get a +1 on Pen rolls Vs Buildings.

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Hades autocanons are S8 AP4 Heavy 4 36" weapons.


The Maulerfiend, moves 12",Fleet, has Move through cover rule, is a Deamon, so 5++ save and Fear and It Will Not Die rule; on each turn he can regain a lost HP on a 5+.


Also has the Deamonforge rule; once per game he can rethrow failed to wound/Pen dices, must make a gets Hot kind test afterward.


His Magma cutters(wich come with the model as base wargear) can make additional attacks at S8 AP1 Armorbane; 1 hit if at least one of his attacks hits, and 2 if all his attacks hits.

Also get a +1 on Pen rolls Vs Buildings.


If you magnify the immages above, all of that is visible :devil:

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My own thoughts on the subject at hand. Sure, its not AV 13 or mighty 14, but its more than 12 as well with its special rules, and its a unit that you can shove down your opponents throat and light a fire under his feet; practically on turn 1-2.


As for the Forgefiend, well it has too many rounds per minutte, so to say, of str 8 ammo for your opponent to ignore. Even if it fails to kill its target, it will take a lot of heat off transports and etc.


Both of the units seems pretty good, and the forge fiend can also kill a lot on its first shooting, if one is slightly above average lucky and make use of the One Per Game Daemon Forge.


I suspect opponents will like neither of these two daemonic beasts...

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The Daemon Engines will thrive in environments where your army has multiple fast priority targets that must be dealt with first. Daemon Prince, Raptors, Land Raider with stuff inside, ect ect. In those "pick your poison" lists, they will either get blown up first and allow beefier stuff to hit melee or not get blown up at all and will hopefully carry the day.


Only time will tell.

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I agree with those who are skeptical of the mauler. With gauss weapons, haywire grenades, meltaguns, even plasma guns and autocannons running around, I just don't trust an Av12, 3 hull point walker to stick around long enough to hurt things, even with the deamon engine suite of defenses. I'd love to be wrong on this, since I think the mauler looks cooler, but that's my current feeling.


The forgefiend seems the better choice between the two, and a strong contender for heavy support slots in general, with a fairly impressive offensive output at a much healthier range. That said, I'm still not entirely convinced that it overshadows obliterators (particularly with MoN), autocannon or missile launcher havocs (depending on points costs of missile options) occupying a defense line or bastion with a quad gun, possessed vindis with their mighty demolisher cannon, or Defilers - which cost about the same as a forgefiend and have a fourth hull point.

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The Daemon Engines will thrive in environments where your army has multiple fast priority targets that must be dealt with first. Daemon Prince, Raptors, Land Raider with stuff inside, ect ect. In those "pick your poison" lists, they will either get blown up first and allow beefier stuff to hit melee or not get blown up at all and will hopefully carry the day.


Only time will tell.


If I ever run a mauler fiend (or when I buy the model rather, which I WILL do when I so can afford to buy even more warhammer stuff), I am going to test it along side my new landraider. I have a vision of 2 defilers and a landraider driving/scuttling forwards together with a mauler fiend.

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I've been loving the idea of a forge fiend with 2 hades autocannons, and have pre ordered one. I like the idea of a 3 str 8 plasma cannon one, but the possibility of hurting myself with it is to great (played an apocalypse game with 4+ daemon weapons, I rolled quite a few 1's at important times). If you rolled nothing but 1's you can do 4 hp's of damage to yourself in your own turn, and it can't snap fire.


Though I am interested in if you can keep the hades autocannons and still get a exctoplasma cannon in your head.


Mauler fiend, well I'm not so impressed by. Our gaming group doesn't really use buildings, and I have used several close combat dread's before to good effect (3.5 codex, used 2 to great effect, crazed was annoying but 2 twin linked bolters bounce off plague marines but I've killed off a carnifex with a 8 shot twin linked bolter salvo :P ).


I'm also looking forward to the heldrake, and you can give it a hades autocannon too :devil:

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I agree with those who are skeptical of the mauler. With gauss weapons, haywire grenades, meltaguns, even plasma guns and autocannons running around, I just don't trust an Av12, 3 hull point walker to stick around long enough to hurt things, even with the deamon engine suite of defenses. I'd love to be wrong on this, since I think the mauler looks cooler, but that's my current feeling.


The forgefiend seems the better choice between the two, and a strong contender for heavy support slots in general, with a fairly impressive offensive output at a much healthier range. That said, I'm still not entirely convinced that it overshadows obliterators (particularly with MoN), autocannon or missile launcher havocs (depending on points costs of missile options) occupying a defense line or bastion with a quad gun, possessed vindis with their mighty demolisher cannon, or Defilers - which cost about the same as a forgefiend and have a fourth hull point.


Not so sure at all. If you run it without synergy solo, I think you are right. But along side other powerful threats, plunged forward like a spear in attack formation? Also, note that although its AV12, opponents might have to pour more fire on it (compared to "normal" AV 12) than they would like due to its special rules.


Also, I think a Dread armed with close ranged weapons like multi melta and a heavy flamer fist, might do well alongside the above. With such armoured horrors approaching, the opponent might "forget" about the little dreanought plodding happily forwards at 6 inches a turn :devil: :P

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On that note, maybe use the Bikers or maybe trade them out for Raptors(or Warp Talons if they are decent enough) and use the FA to tie up any enemy units that could target the Maulerfiend long enough for the Fiend to get there unscathed and tear the crap out of them?
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On that note, maybe use the Bikers or maybe trade them out for Raptors(or Warp Talons if they are decent enough) and use the FA to tie up any enemy units that could target the Maulerfiend long enough for the Fiend to get there unscathed and tear the crap out of them?


No I think bikers are the better answer here, because of their toughness and size. They can take more punishment because of T5; have better shooting capabilities to soften up the target before the fiend gets there; And (now I don't know how big the fiends actually are but) you could possibly use the bikes as a cover screen for the slightly slower fiend.


EDIT: Just realized we are talking about two subtly different strategies :tu:

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On that note, maybe use the Bikers or maybe trade them out for Raptors(or Warp Talons if they are decent enough) and use the FA to tie up any enemy units that could target the Maulerfiend long enough for the Fiend to get there unscathed and tear the crap out of them?


No I think bikers are the better answer here, because of their toughness and size. They can take more punishment because of T5; have better shooting capabilities to soften up the target before the fiend gets there; And (now I don't know how big the fiends actually are but) you could possibly use the bikes as a cover screen for the slightly slower fiend.


EDIT: Just realized we are talking about two subtly different strategies :tu:

Yes and no, more like we were talking about different ways to achiebe the same thing. :P

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Well the Forgefiends actually look tenable. Sure vehicles in general are fragile now, but the amount of dakka they can generate can both silence enemy vehicles and deal a fair amount of damage to heavy infantry and monstrous creatures making it a very flexible unit cable of presenting a threat to a wide range of enemy models. Kind of like a dakka fex actually, you know, in that other codex that we decided was nothing like our own (kidding, kidding, nobody jump on me). Anyway I am actually considering buying two of these guys for fire support though the models themselves are a tad expensive and I'm not entirely sold on them yet vs 4 rocket or autocanon havocs. Especially with skyfire missiles which are one of those annoying metagame upgrades which are either really nice to have or do nothing.
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I'm not entirely sold on them yet vs 4 rocket or autocanon havocs. Especially with skyfire missiles which are one of those annoying metagame upgrades which are either really nice to have or do nothing.


havocs are going to be a must have for all comers lists....

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I feel that the maulerfiend will go the way of the Furioso and Ironclad dreadnoughts. CC with a walker is not what it use to be, but that ForgeFiend with three Plasma Cannons @ Str8AP2 is something to make me want to get back to Chaos in a mean way.
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I feel that the maulerfiend will go the way of the Furioso and Ironclad dreadnoughts. CC with a walker is not what it use to be, but that ForgeFiend with three Plasma Cannons @ Str8AP2 is something to make me want to get back to Chaos in a mean way.

I don't think those are quite the right comparisons to a Maulerfiend. I'm not certain of Trygon's rules, but as a Maulerfiend easily has a charge range of 19" I think it's a better comparison. If you go second, and your opponent is even slightly careless about placement then that thing can get into assault straight away. Or they have to shoot everything at it to take it out.


I do like the idea of Ectoplasma Cannons though. They'll always find a place in my army.

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Having had the chance to see other angles of the models I must say I think the models look a lot better than I previously thought! Glad I'm wrong really, though I still prefer "cyberdemons" to 40K Daemons :D


I'm not too scared of the Maulerfiends really, since they are not so much of a threat at range and up close they actually only have 2 attacks base, WS3 and I3. I've lost count of the amount of Defilers I've destroyed with my Dreadnoughts in assaults, and with their low amount of attacks I can just lose the combat with minimal losses and then use Combat Tactics to get away and shoot the thing to death up close.


To be honest, no one got much mileage out of Defilers tooled for just assaults, and I really don't think Maulerfiends will be much diffferent, unforunately...


Forgefiends with their heavy firepower on the other hand might start creeping into lists. I'm happy to see a bit of variance and move away from Obliterators, because they are the most boring model in the world to me thanks to their over use!

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