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Forgefiends and Maulerfiends

Iron Sage

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Funnily enough, I'm looking at a similar list to both Iron Sage and Tanith Ghost but I'd like to mix both iron warriors and emperors children. I'm not sure which to build as shooty or assaulty.


As for the demon engines, I might start by taking one of each of the new ones plus defiler and add brutes for flavor.


Writing this from my phone so forgive me if i have some grammer errors ;P


I will probably get laughed at for saying this, but i am leaning towards taking a good ole defiler and having mutilators handle the cc escort for all of my cultists and anything else that footslogs.


I always build my lists starting with all the troops choices i want, then an HQ, amd then i start working on the other stuff. So we will see how it all works out, but i am usually not a fan of hyper soecialized units that are only good at one thing (though mutilators are, they are fairly cheap in point cost and cannot be killed in a single shot).

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Funnily enough, I'm looking at a similar list to both Iron Sage and Tanith Ghost but I'd like to mix both iron warriors and emperors children. I'm not sure which to build as shooty or assaulty.


As for the demon engines, I might start by taking one of each of the new ones plus defiler and add brutes for flavor.


Writing this from my phone so forgive me if i have some grammer errors ;P


I will probably get laughed at for saying this, but i am leaning towards taking a good ole defiler and having mutilators handle the cc escort for all of my cultists and anything else that footslogs.


I always build my lists starting with all the troops choices i want, then an HQ, amd then i start working on the other stuff. So we will see how it all works out, but i am usually not a fan of hyper soecialized units that are only good at one thing (though mutilators are, they are fairly cheap in point cost and cannot be killed in a single shot).


Mutilators are T4, so I think they can be auto murdered ;)


Also, I am not a huge fan of beer drinking socializing units either (never was a fan of dwarves :P ), as I too prefer the grim type that actually wants to kill! :D :D :) :)

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Exactly for the reasons you stated - the mauler is supposed to be our answer to heavy vehicles and buildings, not a general melee beatstick.


Now, that's not exactly a super great role for a melee only option, even one as fast as the mauler, and in 6e its weakness to infantry is really going to show. Ideally, walkers should be supported by infantry of their own, but the mauler outruns pretty much everything of ours apart maybe from bikes & raptors, while those probably have better things to do than play babysitter for it. Or maybe not, I suppose a speedy raptors/bikes/mauler flanking wing might be scary....


On the one hand, I really feel the mauler's utility is way too narrow. I'd rather stick meltaguns on some bikes or raptors and have a unit that can hunt heavy tanks but also has other utility. It would have been nice if maulers were at least good against other walkers, but the WS and Init really hurts them there. On the other hand, the mauler isn't that pricey, clocking in at around the cost of a melee dreadnought while being a fair bit faster and tougher.


So yeah, I don't know. I have no problem voicing early impressions or calling out options that I don't see working well, but I'm just not sure what to make of the mauler. I'm skeptical, but I'm just not sure. It certainly looks cooler than the more obviously functional (if considerably more pricey) forgefiend, so I'm sure there will be several players trying them out.



Yeah, if you could quantify(grammar?) the mauler i'd say its a 50-50.


Now a Duo of Maulers with a squad of bikes as support might be interessting...


The Maulers going on MC's and Walkers, while the bikers provide some support and block units with Krak Nades, with fire or steel, after all if the bikes do enough damage with a rapidefire frenzy and can get 3-4 models down, its 3-4 nades less to worry, while the Maulers can focus on their prime target.


Now one of them might get destroyed or damaged, but there is no Walker or MC's brutal enough to take on both of them and getting out intact of it.


If they really have 4 attacks+ their Magma cutters, then its enough to take down stuff, and like you said, they are cheap for a "Beast" walker.


ANd like the rest of the guys said, a 2Defilers,2 Maulers and 2 Dreads list could be a fun Deamon-Mech atrocity circus worth the try.

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Funnily enough, I'm looking at a similar list to both Iron Sage and Tanith Ghost but I'd like to mix both iron warriors and emperors children. I'm not sure which to build as shooty or assaulty.


As for the demon engines, I might start by taking one of each of the new ones plus defiler and add brutes for flavor.


Writing this from my phone so forgive me if i have some grammer errors ;P


I will probably get laughed at for saying this, but i am leaning towards taking a good ole defiler and having mutilators handle the cc escort for all of my cultists and anything else that footslogs.


I always build my lists starting with all the troops choices i want, then an HQ, amd then i start working on the other stuff. So we will see how it all works out, but i am usually not a fan of hyper soecialized units that are only good at one thing (though mutilators are, they are fairly cheap in point cost and cannot be killed in a single shot).


Mutilators are T4, so I think they can be auto murdered ;)


Also, I am not a huge fan of beer drinking socializing units either (never was a fan of dwarves :P ), as I too prefer the grim type that actually wants to kill! ;) :D :P ;)


Didnt say instant death, and cannot be killed in single shot....More than likely even vs a demolisher shot, they are going to get their invuln and you should make one out of three. Not to say that that would be a great senario...But far better than a single lascannon or missile launcher shot killing it :P

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Funnily enough, I'm looking at a similar list to both Iron Sage and Tanith Ghost but I'd like to mix both iron warriors and emperors children. I'm not sure which to build as shooty or assaulty.


As for the demon engines, I might start by taking one of each of the new ones plus defiler and add brutes for flavor.


Writing this from my phone so forgive me if i have some grammer errors ;P


I will probably get laughed at for saying this, but i am leaning towards taking a good ole defiler and having mutilators handle the cc escort for all of my cultists and anything else that footslogs.


I always build my lists starting with all the troops choices i want, then an HQ, amd then i start working on the other stuff. So we will see how it all works out, but i am usually not a fan of hyper soecialized units that are only good at one thing (though mutilators are, they are fairly cheap in point cost and cannot be killed in a single shot).


Mutilators are T4, so I think they can be auto murdered :P


Also, I am not a huge fan of beer drinking socializing units either (never was a fan of dwarves :P ), as I too prefer the grim type that actually wants to kill! ;) :D :P ;)


Yeah yeah, make fun of my typing skills on my phone while sitting on the toilet at work. . .

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Yeah yeah, make fun of my typing skills on my phone while sitting on the toilet at work. . .

I fully support getting paid to discuss 40k while warming the porcelain!


On topic, I feel safer assaulting with walkers or MCs because they are more resistant to the small arms and flamers used for overwatch.

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Funnily enough, I'm looking at a similar list to both Iron Sage and Tanith Ghost but I'd like to mix both iron warriors and emperors children. I'm not sure which to build as shooty or assaulty.


As for the demon engines, I might start by taking one of each of the new ones plus defiler and add brutes for flavor.


Writing this from my phone so forgive me if i have some grammer errors ;P


I will probably get laughed at for saying this, but i am leaning towards taking a good ole defiler and having mutilators handle the cc escort for all of my cultists and anything else that footslogs.


I always build my lists starting with all the troops choices i want, then an HQ, amd then i start working on the other stuff. So we will see how it all works out, but i am usually not a fan of hyper soecialized units that are only good at one thing (though mutilators are, they are fairly cheap in point cost and cannot be killed in a single shot).


Mutilators are T4, so I think they can be auto murdered ;)


Also, I am not a huge fan of beer drinking socializing units either (never was a fan of dwarves :P ), as I too prefer the grim type that actually wants to kill! :D :D :lol: :lol:


Yeah yeah, make fun of my typing skills on my phone while sitting on the toilet at work. . .




I guess you shall have to forgive me some day in the future for making fun of you :)

It was however quite hard to resist as I found socializing chaos marines genuinly amusing.

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lol indeed, i saw it quoted in your reply and sorta face palmed :lol:




I am in happy mode right now, Smurf. Just payed for codex and warpsmith on wayland games ^^


Edit: I realise that this post was some what meaningless but it hardly saves space if I edit it away. Mods feel free to delete this one :lol:

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While I do dig the rules and fluff for the Forgefiends, I really, really hate most everything quadrupedal...


Thankfully I got a brilliant idea from a post in a thread somewhere in here yesterday about using a Decimator as a "counts as" instead. Size should be similar and having looked at the model on Forge World I'm very, very excited.


Now I just need to find the time to get the money needed B)



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Decimators have their own rules though. I mean I'd let you do it but some people might complain. That said, the price isn't even that different from a dinobot, especially if you buy on ebay but it looks far far far better, I agree.
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True, they do have their own rules.


But if I'm not using Decimators at all, then there should be no worry about confusion.


Also from what I've been able to gather the rules are actually almost exactly the same between the two. The only difference being that the Decimator have "Unholy Vigour" instead of "It Will Not Die", one more of Front and Rear armour each and a bit more Strength basic.


That and a different weapons options, but the Hades Autocannon and Butcher Cannons are basically the same (Hades have pinning as well, otherwise identical).


And if anyone would complain about the size of it.


Decimator scale shot, looks like it could use being mounted on one of the new big oval bases as well.



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Thankfully I got a brilliant idea from a post in a thread somewhere in here yesterday about using a Decimator as a "counts as" instead. Size should be similar and having looked at the model on Forge World I'm very, very excited.

Do check out James Wappel's versions then about half way down this thread. ;)

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Sorry, commander Shepard, but I am afraid that there are no marks for vehicles.

There are some rather sexy upgrades though, but noneof them gives you better saves etc.


Upgrades examples: Dirge caster disallows overwatch within 6" of the vehicles. Cost only 5.

Warpflame gargoyles, also 5. Makes your vehicles guns have soul fire. Not a good upgrade usually, but for 5 its quite nifty.

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Sorry, commander Shepard, but I am afraid that there are no marks for vehicles.

There are some rather sexy upgrades though, but noneof them gives you better saves etc.


I suspected it but I had to ask ;) . It would have been amazing. Anyway I think we'll find something useful among those "sexy upgrades"....

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Sorry, commander Shepard, but I am afraid that there are no marks for vehicles.

There are some rather sexy upgrades though, but noneof them gives you better saves etc.


I suspected it but I had to ask ;) . It would have been amazing. Anyway I think we'll find something useful among those "sexy upgrades"....


See my edited post.


Vehicle upgrade list is okay. Not fantastic, but far, far better than in the Thorpe dex. Havoc launcher is for instance a bit cheaper. And more options in general.

Vindi Also can have a siege shield, and it doesnt cost a lot.

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I don't know minigun, those things seem kinda ridiculously dangerous. You have the ability to wreck your own vehicle in one turn with those gets hot! rules. Just seems a bit much, even for me.


Edit: Even if it's just one failed gets hot! roll then the return fire from your opponent would wreck it pretty quickly.

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I don't know minigun, those things seem kinda ridiculously dangerous. You have the ability to wreck your own vehicle in one turn with those gets hot! rules. Just seems a bit much, even for me.


Edit: Even if it's just one failed gets hot! roll then the return fire from your opponent would wreck it pretty quickly.


1. If you roll 1 with one of the cannons, the other still fire

2. Once you you roll a 1 you have to roll again and you suffer a glance only on the second roll of 1-3; then you have a 5+ invul save and you regain a hull point on a roll of 5+ at the end of your turn.

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1. If you roll 1 with one of the cannons, the other still fire

2. Once you you roll a 1 you have to roll again and you suffer a glance only on the second roll of 1-3; then you have a 5+ invul save and you regain a hull point on a roll of 5+ at the end of your turn.


Alright they're not as fragile when firing their own weapons, but still. For a unit near 200 points, their range seems too limited and they are too fragile. If you can cover them with possibly defilers or something when they get close enough to unleash their cannons maybe. I think if I use fiends though it'll be with hades cannons.

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1. If you roll 1 with one of the cannons, the other still fire

2. Once you you roll a 1 you have to roll again and you suffer a glance only on the second roll of 1-3; then you have a 5+ invul save and you regain a hull point on a roll of 5+ at the end of your turn.


Alright they're not as fragile when firing their own weapons, but still. For a unit near 200 points, their range seems too limited and they are too fragile. If you can cover them with possibly defilers or something when they get close enough to unleash their cannons maybe. I think if I use fiends though it'll be with hades cannons.


I agree on their fragility, they are AV12 after all. Anyway they are less fragile than any other AV12 vehicle.

I think they key for their success is to use the fiends in a list with multiple threats. If you offer multiple threats to your opponents they will face difficult choices and every target they pick they allow others to deal a lot of damage :o

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