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Forgefiends and Maulerfiends

Iron Sage

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In my opinion, a fiend with hades and an extra superheated plasma seems okay. One extra str 8 shot with a blast. And having only one, makes it far less likely that you will destroy yourself from overheating.


For me, it would depend on the price tag of that third shot. Anything beyond 10 points might be too expensive

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In my opinion, a fiend with hades and an extra superheated plasma seems okay. One extra str 8 shot with a blast. And having only one, makes it far less likely that you will destroy yourself from overheating.


For me, it would depend on the price tag of that third shot. Anything beyond 10 points might be too expensive


Then it will be too expensive for you ;)


And when I come to think of it, your probably correct.


Edit;I just became a bit too enthusiastic concerning the myriad of str 8 shots, but yeah, seems to be too expensive.

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Then it will be too expensive for you ;)


And when I come to think of it, your probably correct.


Edit;I just became a bit too enthusiastic concerning the myriad of str 8 shots, but yeah, seems to be too expensive.


Most important thing to remember about them is to keep it cheap and walky.


Same goes for the loyal SM, Dakkapreds should not be going full 2x Lascan on them all, Autocannons are best, in our case keep a cheap Forgefriend.

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Then it will be too expensive for you ;)


And when I come to think of it, your probably correct.


Edit;I just became a bit too enthusiastic concerning the myriad of str 8 shots, but yeah, seems to be too expensive.


Most important thing to remember about them is to keep it cheap and walky.


Same goes for the loyal SM, Dakkapreds should not be going full 2x Lascan on them all, Autocannons are best, in our case keep a cheap Forgefriend.


Mm, my predator is modeled with full Lascannons though. Maybe not the superior set up, but it does seem at least, pretty viable in this codex.

I sometimes fielded it in 5ed for fluff reasons (Iron Warriors), and felt rather silly. I won`t feel silly fielding my favourite tank model anymore, and thats enough for me since I extremly rarely attend tournaments.

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Mm, my predator is modeled with full Lascannons though. Maybe not the superior set up, but it does seem at least, pretty viable in this codex.

I sometimes fielded it in 5ed for fluff reasons (Iron Warriors), and felt rather silly. I won`t feel silly fielding my favourite tank model anymore, and thats enough for me since I extremly rarely attend tournaments.


Diffrent point cost and different unit bro, it's okay if you don't expect it there for the counter assault strategy!


I fully support lascanpreds altough I generally am not a fan of changing the turret simply because those points are better spend elsewhere.



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Now I don't know how much the Maulerfiend costs but I subsrcribe to the idea of using it as an additional and quite possibly cheapish (when compared to CSM in a Rhino) extra threat in a forward going army. They are also better armoured and better protected than the Rhinos with their special rules. I can definetly see myself getting one. It helps tons that the models actually don't look awful like I first thought.
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Forgefiends are anti-flyer though. You could most likely count on 1-2 hits on a flier with S8 from the FF...


Your neighbourhood friend the Obliterator is also quite the AA unit.

Field units of 3, have fun with that tripple assaultcannon.



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Forgefiends are anti-flyer though. You could most likely count on 1-2 hits on a flier with S8 from the FF...


Well, I wouldn't call them anti-flyer. I would say they are not useless if fired at a flier. A forge fiend shooting a flier will land an average of 1.33 of its shots. For the same points you will land 2.66 average shots with 4 skyfire havocs (at str7 only).



That being said, the forge fiend will be more effective vs ground targets with an average of 4 STR8 shots hitting compared to 2.666 STR8 shots from the havocs.

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Excessus - One to two hits with the forgefiend or 3-4 hits with ML havocs for cheaper?

Actually, a squad of havocs with four skyfire MLs cost exactly the same as a vanilla FF...and they die to bolterfire...


@Attomsk: Well, I meant they were anti-flier amongst others. They are quite ok against fliers while being nice against most other things as well!

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Ah, forgot about the extra points for skyfire plus my computer with the scanned files is still at home. Still though there shouldn't be anything getting near them to bolter them. I like MLs because they can kill flyers pretty easily with skyfire, deal with hordes with frags and then deal with high toughness/armor with krak. Just a matter of preferance I suppose.


Edit: Yeah it'll be preferance and army composition.

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Killax - Each oblit has to fire a different set of weapons from the others in his unit.


Nah, your thankfully very wrong there, Tanith. If that was true they would be useless. Every Oblit must fire the same weapon as the rest, but they must fire another type of weapon in the next turn, so you can for instance only fire las cannons every other turn.

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Really....hmm well looks like oblits are still in as a HS option then. Really wish my codex would get here before this weekend but it's not looking so good....ugh.


Unless you're going with mech, Oblits are still THE heavy support choice. Not feeling Forgefiends or Maulerfiends, both for different reasons but mainly because they're AV12 vehicles with crap stats.



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Point is (happy to make this point as well) that we now have many viable choices in the H support section. Actually, we have many viable choices in every single section. Feels so wierd in a warm and fuzzy way ^^


Ps. Just posted an army list. Feel free to take a look. Its a bit specialized really, as its some what tailored..

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Pred is sound, tri-las is cheap-ish. Problem with Havocs is the models! I agree they are a good option for HS with Missile Launchers they're coming in at the same price as BA counterparts... Though the cost of Skyfire is almost as ridiculous as that finecast box GW put out!


I'm just really struggling to see a role for Fiends in a Cultist heavy min-to-no mech army list :'(



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I would even go so far as to say that you dont need skyfire on all 4 models, if you arent fighting a vendetta swarm then 2 anti air launchers should be able to knock out the occasional flier. That saves 20 pts if you really need it.
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I would even go so far as to say that you dont need skyfire on all 4 models, if you arent fighting a vendetta swarm then 2 anti air launchers should be able to knock out the occasional flier. That saves 20 pts if you really need it.

Well in that case you don't need MLs on those two really and can save 10 points more as you switch them to autocannons...

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