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6th ed Changes


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So, in 5th edition I ran a heavy mech/transport list. My favorite was my triple raven list. In this edition I'm going back to my roots with the same kind of army that I used to run, to great effect, in early 5th with the Blood Angels .pdf codex. Here is what I came up with using what I have available in my 13k pt force of BAs:


2x Librarians: Jump packs, Shield of Sanguinious, Blood Lance

2x Honour Guards: Jump packs, Champion, company Standard/Chapter banner, one powerfist each

2x Sanguinary priests: Jump packs

Sternguard Veterans: 2x meltaguns, 3x combi-meltas, Drop Pod

Sanguinary Pries: power sword, melta-bombs

10x sniper scouts: missile launcher, camo cloaks

2x ten man assault squads with sgt with SS/PF and 2x meltaguns in squads

2x ten man assault squads with just 2x meltaguns in squads

2x three man assault bike squads with multi-meltas

vangaurd veteran squad with jump packs, melta-bombs, and power swords


Should be fun to run up flanks with the assault marines while scouts sit in cover on an objective and take out charcters and act as fire support. Sternguard with sang priest in pod will come in first turn as a somewhat durable immediate threat in the enemies face that they will need to deal with, which will let the rest of my army advance more freely. then vanguards heroic intervention can take out back field fire supports/artillery. Seems solid, I look forward to running it. Now my only problem is getting about 60 jump packs reglued on after prying off normal packs... ;)

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I'm not averse to it, I just like a clear focus in my force. I'll probably run with this for a while then try my triple raven list again.


And the sterngaurd are there to die. Their a sacrificial glass hammer that is meant to draw enemy fire. I've been playing BAs and tyranids for 7 years now and understand how important those types of units are.

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Looks like a nice plan to me.

What my gut feeling also says me is:

- Mech lists still do the trick if we look at the tournament reports here.

- What we also see (in my player area) is the rise of horde armies again so I do expect your tactic to work quite well.


Now to add some other commentary, I think you might also want to add some Furioso Dreads in your horde army.

They provide excellent distraction and also are able to maul armour 3- units. Give it some thought :).

Funny enough you don't mention 3 Ravens in your "haves" list but that also is a great support idea for an otherwise horde army.


Hope you can make some cool lists and post them in the Army lists part of the BA.



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I'm not averse to it, I just like a clear focus in my force. I'll probably run with this for a while then try my triple raven list again.


And the sterngaurd are there to die. Their a sacrificial glass hammer that is meant to draw enemy fire. I've been playing BAs and tyranids for 7 years now and understand how important those types of units are.


Triple Raven list will actually do better now than it did in 5th.


Sacrificial units are good when they are cheap. Yours is 255 pts (from what I see). In essence, you come down, nuke a vehicle, and die. Unless what you destroyed is a land raider, that is absolutely not worth it.


If you absolutely want to do the suicide strike thing, try this:


5 ASM: infernus, melta

Drop pod


less than half the points, yet almost as reliable. If you want extra reliability, give the sergeant a second infernus.

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I don't think many people will expect a BA army to run zero armor(aside from drop pod).


True, but there are also a couple of reasons for that:


- Shooting in general has become better than before. A Bolter or Boltgun did not matter to much now a Bolter is simply much better.

- Furious Charge has been nerved. You will get the charge in but not stiking first sucks.

- Discounts on Razors/or free Asscan, Lascan, Lasplas and a nice little box to keep your marines behind/in.


We did get Hammer of Wrath but this is not even close to what Furious Charge used to be.

I just wanted to remind you why I was a fan of this kind of army in the 5th and not anymore in the 6th.


I wish you the best of luck with your army :lol:!

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