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Nurgle defiler


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Hey meant to post my new defiler a while ago but got busy so here is my defiler "Corpsemaker"

Yes I suck at painting and not good and using green stuff but like how it turned out, I basically used the hellpit abomination and stuck a cannon to it and used green stuff to give it a nurgle feel, really like my defiler as it never really misses and has helped me to win a alot of games including helping me get 3rd in a small local tournament (there were only 6 people altogether but still got 3rd after all a place is a place). Colors I used are Nurgling green, ushabti bone and screaming bell which I found to be very good as looks rusted and shiny. Very tempted to cut some of its arms off and strap on a couple of big guns and use it as a forgefiend but will wait for codex to come out first.





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Decided to change it into a forgefiend as I love the hades autocannons next on my agenda is 2 defilers as since this will be a forgefiend I still want to add defilers to my army since I just like large blast weapons though probably use the Arachnarok Spider this time also going to add a helldrake though to add some Nurgle flavour going to use the zombie dragon/ terrogheist kit as not a big fan of the helldrake kit and have the dragon kit still left over from last year which I never touched
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