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Decimator Daemon Engine OR Contemptor Dreadnaught?


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I'm about to order some stuff from FW, and I have been eyeing the Decimator for a while but I also have the hots for a Contemptor dreadnaught, which gives me a weird boner. Normaly I don't play that much and I tend to loose when ever I play. So I'm mainly in the hobby for the painting and building.


But once in a while I play and it would be nice to have an awesome centerpiece modell for the army. One that can be a total bad a**. I have two dreadnaughts from before. One with a CCW and Multi Melta and the other with an AC and ML, for some fire support.


So, which one should i go for? A totaly boss CC Contemptor with two CCWs or a fire support Decimator with two Butcher Cannons? Or the other way round? Fluff wise I play Alpha legion witch makes the Contemptor a more reasonable choice, but who knows what my sneaky bad boys have been up to during the past 10K years in the warp...


So, if any of you players out there have some advice i'd be very happy if you want to share.


Ohh, and I mainly play against Space Wolves, Grey Knights and IG (With lots and lots of tanks, Valkyries and artillery.)




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So I'm mainly in the hobby for the painting and building.


Both are badass, since you like to maul some armour I would go for the Decimator and Butcher Cannon away.


Then again, thake what you think is the coolest to have, your able to buy the other later this year I assume?



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I like them both, out of aestethical reasons. But the Decimator seems harder to kill in a game. And who does not want something that is part machine part daemon? And it's going to look awesome.


And i'll probably buy the Contemptor before christmas anyway. With twin CC Claws. And rip some imperials a new hole...

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Another thing to think about is if your opponent doesn't allow FW rules (for whatever reason), which model would be easier to use as a counts as? If you get a decimator with twin butcher cannons than you could also use it as a forgefiend. Just something to think about.


That is true. Fortunately i play with mature gamers with tons of FW gadgets of their own. But I think the Contemptor would be an easier 'counts as' modell.


And I decided to go for the Decimator.

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I reckon they Chaos contemptor is better, it has 4 hull points, a 4+ save against glancing hits as well as a 6+ against penetrating hits and can take marks as well (decimator can take them too so just as good) plus I reckon it looks cooler oh yeah and has better BS and Ws but thats my opinion why not just get both as both are seriously awesome I am planning on taking 2 decimators and 1 contemptor
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