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"Order of the Dragon"/Radical Xenos Themed Army.. Need help&


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Hi guys,


I've recently been thinking about a fluffy "void-dragon-worshipping" force (containing mechanicum, necrons, and radical ordo xenos).


If course, I would have to use the GK list (Inquisitors, henchies, dreadnought, dreadknights etc...) to represent the radical inquisitorial faction (and necrons will be allied detachment), as well as counts as for counts as AM.

I'm fairly new to this, so was hoping I could get some advice on the AM especialliy.


I know that there is no offical codex, but I was wondering if there is a permier/latest one that most people follow, preferably one with pictures, so i can obviously get an idea of what looks like what, and hence which model GK to represent it's counterpart in the AM?


e.g. i would like to follow this line of thinking:

1) what can a warrior henchman represent? (=skittari)

2) Inquisitors - OX Inquisitors, or Tech mage



could any of the GK PA'd or TDA models (tweaked of course) be used to represent praetorians for example?

If anyone can add anything else to my ideas, I'd be greatful! Thanks


N.B. OH, and is there any bitz that anyone can think of that have a dragon motif? failing that, perhaps transfer sheets or even etched brass. The prospect of painting on little dragons is extremely daunting to me! thanks again

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I've seen people proxy a tech-magos as a jakaero. You should convert the 'crons so that they're not really necrons, and more admech. You could use Inquisitor Karamazov's rules for a rather large Arch-Magos conversion. That could be a stunning use of modeling and rules if done right. Hell I may do that... could use arco-flagellants as close-combat servitors. There is a lot of potential for proxying rules in for a radical mechanicum force.


Do you have the codex? Just flip through it, read the rules on everything, and see if you can tie it in to what you want to do. Keep a notebook handy so you can write down all of your inspiration while brainstorming.

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I considered doing this, before settling on a more traditional Admech Explorator Fleet army, but the concept is still appealing . . .

With the changes to Necron fluff, there very well might be a 'cron Lord who is willing to manipulate a bunch of techpriests crazy enough to worship a C'tan. Heck, you could even get a shard and pretend a bit of the Void Dragon is leading your force (surely not all of the Dragon's shards are imprisoned within the Labyrinth of Night)!


Anyway, wild fluff tangents aside, I do think that GK henchmen armies are a great way to proxy Admech armies. You can get plenty of servitors, crusaders/warrior acolytes make sterling skitarii, and dreadknights make good knight titans. Coteaz and inquisitors fulfill the role of techpriests/magi. Oh, and dreadnoughts make good robots (how many armies get real, honest to Omnissiah robots??!!! :D).

If you want other GK stuff to be heavily modified skitarii or combat servitors, go for it! The only real limit is your own imagination and modeling ambition!


The only weird thing with GK lists is that almost everything in that codex is a psyker, which can feel a little off. Some people prefer to use IG rules, and others go full bore and use Necron rules. Honestly I would encourage you to experiment and see what you like best, since all of these armies play pretty differently.


As far as iconography is concerned, do you have access to a half-respectable printer? I have found that printing off designs then carefully cutting them out and gluing them onto flat surfaces such as dreadnought hulls works pretty darn well.

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Well if he has a decent printer, he could always print out his own decals. Here's a decent tut for it. http://www.tangopapadecals.com/Make%20your...ecals%20101.pdf


Yeah, the psyker thing if a bit off, but You could also incorporate the anti-psyker aspect of it as well, and have your mech army somewhat immune to psyker attack. You could also proxy the rules a bit, calling "the holocaust" some nifty kind of mechanicus invented blast weapon of sorts, for example. Same thing goes for inquisitors. You could do up a nice set of rules as a Ordo Malleus inquisitor in TDA, and produce a really cool Magos on a 40mm base that's the size of a terminator.


Don't forget about techmarines! Some of the best grenades in the game, and they're just begging for an admech conversion.

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If there is ONE army I am missing in the 40K universe, its a Mechanicum expeditionary force.


Ideas for their basic troop squad(Skitarii): WS 3, BS 3, STR 4, T 4, W1, I 2 (or 3), A 1, Save +4 (no invul save), can mix special and CC weapons freely in the squad (i.e.unlimited number of special weapons). 13-14 points.

Squad: 5-20.


Secutors (elite): 1-3 squad: WS 4, BS 4, STR 5, T 5, I 3, A 1, W 2. Save +2. (no invul save) Can freely mix special, CC and Heavy weapons in squad. Relentless, Slow and Purposeful. Can take Mechandrites for +2 attacks.

Cost 55.


Anyway, thats just some ideas out of my wicked head. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,


thanks for all the feedback. I have all my ideas and conversions set up, and I'm ready to go...

however ive run into a snag...


I order to press the void dragon theme, I've decided to include things like dragon wings (DE harpies) on my interceptors, dragon scale cloaks (DE coarsairs) on my DCA's, etc...


What I have had trouble finding are dragon HEADS that are to SCALE for PA or even TDA models...


If you guys havent seen this, then plz do... its is awesome:






from: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts...t/0/347132.page


So yeah, the dragon/serpentine head on that terminator or raptor would be perfect! I was hoping to find a bit of a more mechanical dragon face ala cyber wolves style, but If anyone can't think of one, would any of u guys know where the heads from those pics^ come from?




kind regards,


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  • 1 month later...

That model is here in the Hall of Honour somewhere, and I'm fairly sure the owner specified when asked where its from, but, I'm fairly certain its a Saurus Temple Guard from WHFB.


Also, Bad Buddha has an awesome henchmen army WIP, check it out for some inspiration





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