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Sanguinary Guard

old git

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As stated, are Sanguinary guard worth taking? AP3 weapons means they lost their previous best use, Terminator killers. Can they still be put to good use with only 5 in a unit and AP3? I have a hankering to try them out with a couple of infernus pistols and all swords (to keep the I4). Crack open a transport, assault the contents, or go small elite hunting, as long as the small elite isn't termies. What say the more experienced Angels.
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Against anything but terminators they are brutal.

25 attacks, master crafted, AP3, for 230pts

Throw in their assault bolters and they can be relied upon to wipe out even a space marine squad.

Add a priest for FNP


Keep them out of site, they will draw a lot of heavy fire and they cant really take it

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They are good, soak up a lot of points and in general do what our HQ can also do.


In my experience, BA have problems with fielding "all goodness" so it will cut deep into your armour count or troops.

Personally I think the BA elite units feel a bit unnesacery because of Mephiston being such a unit on his own and filling the needed HQ slot.

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Sanguinary Guard are great, although through the new weapon rules they have suffered a bit compared to the previous edition of 40k, but they've gained something as well!


Their 2+ armour save and the 5+ FnP makes them flying terminators. Ironically, terminators and equivalents are the only thing they should stay away from(and, let's be honest, walkers). They still slice through everything else and their armour save makes them incredibly resiliant against incoming fire/attacks.


20 attacks on the charge with the banner at S5, AP3. It's still some great potential there. Add a Priest with poweraxe and you've got yourself an elite unit hunter. Their boltguns are effective as well and provide a considerable pre-charge attack and overwatch potential.






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They lose badly to Storm Shield termies.


As does everything. If we didn't take units that were bad vs SS termies, then we would take very little.


The SG have a place, but likewise, you need a counter to their counter. A few plasma cannons to whittle down termies is a good idea, and use their mobility to pick and choose your fights.

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Yeah my bad on attacks.


The problem with giving them ap2 is they shouldn't need it.


Almost anything with a two up save will beast your sang guard, or at least bloody them.


Whereas anything without will likely die before it hits, or do no damage when it hits.


They aren't perfect, but they are perfectly usable tool.

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Yeah my bad on attacks.

The problem with giving them ap2 is they shouldn't need it.

Almost anything with a two up save will beast your sang guard, or at least bloody them.

Whereas anything without will likely die before it hits, or do no damage when it hits.

They aren't perfect, but they are perfectly usable tool.


Agree on dominic with this one. The only real conceivable time for axes is when they go up against an IC with a 2+ save and power sword (draigo, meph) where they stand a chance.


Power swords and murdering tactical squads all the way.

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Just to reiterate xeniths point, sg are nippy.

There best use is finishing of squads who have already taken a few punches.


Codex not to hand, but i think they should knock out 7 meqs on the charge.

Vanguard, sternguard, depleted normal squads, all easy picking

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I like having 2 axes on them for two reasons: Kill enemies with 2+ save but AP3 power weapons (like e.g. Mephiston, LC termies or GK-termies with not enough hammers), and suicide into terminators during the later stages of the game.

If you are in turn 4 and your SG has wiped out their priority targets on the board, those 8 AP2 attacks will help your RAS considerably when cleaning up that big terminator blob contesting 2 objectives in the middle.

Since you should run with a sanguinary priest most of the time, you can just challenge any PF-seargant and most likely kill him even if you dont have a power weapon, thus preventing losses on your SG. Marines will hit you with their normal attacks anyway, no advantage there when using swords.


edit:/ Now that I think of it, the chance of killing a whole 10man squad (and therefore the PF) in one go is slim at best. Do swords really have any advantage over axes? The only advantage I can think of is when assaulting a already decimated squad (or maybe Nob bikers B)). Remember that axes also have +1S, which makes a big difference.

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7 killed MEQ in a combat, or anything over 4 really, means they're going to be sitting out on their own unless you're fighting fearless opponents, due to the Ld. drop for morale. -7 on Ld. 9, means insane heroism required to stick around! -4 means 5 on 2d6, which isn't likely. Now there is a good chance they'll "catch" their opponents and stick around if they're ATSKNF, but it's not a given.
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