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Starting Chaos


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So, as the title says I am starting up a Chaos army, I already have several other 40k armies so building, modding, customizing and painting is nothing new for me.


I had some questions regard the Thousand Sons, I am aware of the fluff with the Rubric of Ahriman, but wanted some clarification on some things. Would there still be some possible mutations on certain higher ranking units, like Chosen? As in would the Chaos models from Dark Vengeance be able to fit fluffy into a Thousand Sons army? I have no interest in getting the Possessed Marine squad or anything, just specifically the Dark Vengeance models in all their chaotic glory.


One thought I had was to have a two-force organization chart, or allies, however it works in 6th ed, with Thousand Sons and Night Lords. The Night Lords would have the Dark Vengeance mutants and Raptors and Warp Talons, Cultists may be necessary to fill the Troop requirements, and Thousand Sons for the basic troops, Rubric Marines, Sorcerer Lords.


What would work out the best? Or would it be better to wait and see exactly how things are organized and categorized when the Codex comes out?


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Best to wait and see, but from a fluff point of view - pure 1ksons won't have much in the way of mutants because everything is a Sorcerer, and therefore has to be represented by something shiny and special (oblits, or actual spellcasters), or a rubric marine, which is essentially animated armour.


On the other hand, having the Sons work with units from other Tzeentch-aligned legions or warbands works perfectly with the fluff. There's no need to mess around with allies and force org charts. Just use the Chosen as Chosen, taking up an Elites slot in the army but paint them as Night Lords (or whatever).

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Night Lords will always work with another warband if it furthers their own agenda somehow. They certainly wouldn't do it as an altruistic act.


As for the Thousand Sons themselves it depends on which faction of them you are using - Magnusites or Ahrimanites. The former would have mutation and embrace it whereas the latter wouldn't. You can still have non-rubric marines in an Ahrimanite warband as they might have possessed a minor amount of psychic latency and therefore would have been spared the negative effects of the rubric. In tabletop terms I represent this by using chosen with special weapons that I've modeled as sorcerers that fire psychic powers.


I have the Dark Vengeance chaos chosen as well and plan on just making them veteran Thousand Sons that have a slight psychic presence and thus aren't rubric marines.


Best bet though is just to hold on and wait to see what the new codex throws at us.


Welcome to chaos btw! :P

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My Iron warriors have been tricked into a very uneasy alliance with a Magnusite sorcerer. Obviously he is waiting for the right time to betray the Sons, but the temporary disruption of the gellar field on board the Olympian Hammer (yes, they do share space aboard a cruiser, long complex story) and the complelty unexpeced arrival of the Sons sorcerers true leader, their Exalted daemon prince, have seriously disrupted my dear Warsmiths plans at current.



Anyway, I digress. Sorry for the extremly short version of my rather long and tedious fluff, but my point was just that as long as you yourself "write yourself" a decent story, most everything is fluff correct.

As long as you can defend it to yourself and to your friends with your head held high (i.e. it`s not ludicrous and pathetic excuses for spamming noise marines etc.), there is absolutely no problem.

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As for the Thousand Sons themselves it depends on which faction of them you are using - Magnusites or Ahrimanites. The former would have mutation and embrace it whereas the latter wouldn't. You can still have non-rubric marines in an Ahrimanite warband as they might have possessed a minor amount of psychic latency and therefore would have been spared the negative effects of the rubric.



Unless the established canon has not been replaced by newer informations due to the new codex, then No, neither do Magnusites have mutations nor do Ahirmanites have non-rubric rank and file troopers*. The Rubric was universal, it stopped mutation in the entire legion, that is Magnus' as well Ahriman's homies. It spared no one, which meant there where none who where just "half-transformed" or "non-transformed" by the Rubric. Either you're an immutatable Psyker or you're a pile of dust in a sealed shell. There's no shades of grey here.




*At least, if they are Thousand Sons. If they are just from a Tzeentchian warband or traitorous chapter which is aligned or commanded by a true Thousand Sons sorcerer, okay. But that doesn't make them Thousand Sons themselves. And there's no reason a Magnus' follower wouldn't do that as well.

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As for the Thousand Sons themselves it depends on which faction of them you are using - Magnusites or Ahrimanites. The former would have mutation and embrace it whereas the latter wouldn't. You can still have non-rubric marines in an Ahrimanite warband as they might have possessed a minor amount of psychic latency and therefore would have been spared the negative effects of the rubric.



Unless the established canon has not been replaced by newer informations due to the new codex, then No, neither do Magnusites have mutations nor do Ahirmanites have non-rubric rank and file troopers*. The Rubric was universal, it stopped mutation in the entire legion, that is Magnus' as well Ahriman's homies. It spared no one, which meant there where none who where just "half-transformed" or "non-transformed" by the Rubric. Either you're an immutatable Psyker or you're a pile of dust in a sealed shell. There's no shades of grey here.




*At least, if they are Thousand Sons. If they are just from a Tzeentchian warband or traitorous chapter which is aligned or commanded by a true Thousand Sons sorcerer, okay. But that doesn't make them Thousand Sons themselves. And there's no reason a Magnus' follower wouldn't do that as well.

Thanks, I understand how the rubric worked on the legion: psykers were enhanced, non-psykers were turned to dust. However, that did not stop future mutation as Battle for the Fang quite clearly showed us. And anyway I was trying to help the guy come up with a reason to include the Dark Vengeance models in an army and so a Magnusite or simply a Tzeentchian warband could quite possibly have mutations etc at the higher levels.

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I would suggest picking up some flamers and perhaps some screamers as well. The strengths and speed of these daemonic units will make up for the short-comings your rubrics have.
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I would suggest picking up some flamers and perhaps some screamers as well. The strengths and speed of these daemonic units will make up for the short-comings your rubrics have.

Yeah screamers are awesome now after the update! :tu:

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