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Julius Kaesoron


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Hey there I plan on making a Julius Kaesoron for a Emperor's Children warband and i was wondering if anyone knows where i could get a half scarred face? i plan on using green stuff to make hair on his non scarred half of his face because i think in Fulgrim it says only half his face is burnt but if anyone can clear that up it would be great. On another note does anyone think he will live past the Heresy into 40k times?
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The emperial flagellant warband have a scarred face Linky and so does Imperial guard command squad, linky.


The flagellant box is great for bits and pieces for slaanesh warbands, but the head might look a bit small and awkward and so does the guard head, but you could check them out and if you are lucky you might be able to trade them from someone.



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Ahh i see thank you for the info. Is there a description of what he looks like? could you also say how he dies? I just wanna know if there is anyway i could bring him back(Favorite Emperor's Children) unless if his death was to brutal but you know its game of creativity to a certain point haha.
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Also does he command a warband in the book? i can understand not getting answers to these questions because they are spoilers but to be honest i would only want to read/buy the book for the Emperor's Children and spending money on an Iron Hands book that mentions them it seems unlikely i will actaully want to buy the book ^_^
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  • 4 weeks later...
Just found this. Personally, I'd take a unhelmeted head to practice on, and scar it up yourself with an x-acto knife. Then, I'd take a pretty boy Blood Angel head from the Sanguinary Guard box and use that to scar up. Remember the EC were supposed to have been dashing, handsome dudes thanks to Fulgrim.
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Yeah i was thinking about doing that but now after reading Wrath of Iron i am going to make a daemon prince version of him. I think i am going to use green stuff and try going for a goul (from the game Fallout 3) look, with a balding hair line from scars similar to Fabius. I think it will turn out nicely but im still gathering all the parts for him to start.
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Collusus: Yes, you are correct he is not truly slain as he has reached immortality as a demon prince.




In the book he is depicted as wearing a rictus of scarred tissue like a mask. He is described as appearing ungainly but deceptively so - it is a trick he plays on his opponents to lull them into a sense of security. His shambling gait masks his true grace & skill. In the 40th millenium Julius is still kicking around with his matched lightning claws - only the blades have been blackened. He is described as glowing from within as if his blood were on fire & he is bald.


When I read the description I thought of a cross between Pavi from Repo & Oogey-Boogey from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I envision a warp entity cloaked in a human suit & terminator armor who moves like a marionette

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Thanks for the reply and info. I just got done reading Wrath of Iron a while ago and i thought it was good but i was rooting for the iron hands to die as messed up as it is.


Anyways i like the idea of Pavi and Boogey mixed together being Julius. I think the only thing im going to do because i feel like it adds a little something of detail is im going to add litle tufs of hair here and there, so he will still be bald but again it will most likely ressemble the hair from a goul from fallout 3(For those who have played it its the non feral gouls.) People may disagree but he its all opinion in the end in my mind bald can mean sevral different kind of bald. Also i am still iin the planning stages of the model on how im going to do the face!

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