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Do chaos marines use gene seeds?


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Well the Night Lords originally conquered it and built a fortress. Then a bunch of other legions took it for a while, but then the Iron Warriors decided to take care of ;) ing business. Nobody else has claimed it since. As for Night Lords building fortresses they do do that too, the last part of Void Stalker takes place in a ruined Night Lords fortress of some repute. Oh and the Iron Warriors would wipe the floor with the Night Lords. Actually I imagine that the Iron Warriors are probably the single most dangerous legion except for maybe the Black Legion. They are numerous, relatively well organized, extremely well equipped, and have that perfect combination of control and single minded fanaticism that doesn't sacrifice tactical prudence like the World Eaters of Word Bearers.

And yet they had their butts whooped by an Ultramarine. At least the Night Lords needed the whole Legion to be wiped out.


Serious note, I think it would end up depending on a number of factors from who was the better tactician to the environment itself.


I would sincerly like to stress the fact that even though Uriel Ventris did a Rambo III (remember when Rambo defeats a division of Spetznas, single handedly, in Afghanistan?) on the Iron Warriors, using WMD plot weaponry, this was not even on the list of the worst attrocities in that damned tome. Compared to traveling there in the first place in an Iron Warrior Warp Express (which happens to look like 19th century steam locomotives....), single handedly defeating various Primarchs and Gods would make sense, and then defeating Honsou and his Host is obviously nothing for our hero...


And on that note (celebrating the grand success of the most heroic of ultra smurfs and the delighful means of travel we Iron warriors use between the stars, as well as our breeding chambers where we grow our recruits (from womb to Mark VIII armour as we say), I bid you all good night.

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Actually I was talking about the latest novel where Honsou leads a massive Chaos invasion into the heart of Ultramar. I consider Dead Sky, Black Sun to be an Iron Warrior Defeat/Victory because the main battle was Iron Warrior vs. Iron Warrior. The Ultramarines simply contributed to it by releasing the Heart of Blood.
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and the delighful means of travel we Iron warriors use between the stars,


My warband is going to its next campaign on a daemonic Ferris wheel. I hope we don't get stuck at the top and have to watch Fateweaver snogging himself again...

Nah, y'all just get stuck rolling down a never ending hill with the Garden of Nurgle on either side, with the Palace of Slaanesh at the very top, able to forever watch, but never reach as the hill is a perfectly smooth surface made slick with oil. Oh, and Khorne is waiting for you below with a very nasty-looking trident.

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My Warmsmith wishes to inform you that you will be honoured to become to next solstice sacrifice to mend with one of the new machine models, if you do not desist in spreading false propaganda, claiming that the Night Lords "built our foundations". As our envoy previously explained, they merely occupied it for an insignificant ammount of time, while we were busy debating amongst ourselves and we can thus assure you,on our honour, that there is no trace left of their histories left on this blessed world.




Your emissary? Oh him. Uh, right, so funny story. You're going to have to pick him out of the pile, it's kind of big and we're not entirely sure which one is him but he's in there--somewhere.


Blood for the Blood God,

The World Eaters


Seriously though, those BL books aren't really meant to be taken seriously as such. Really the only books that I consider canon are the HH series and ADB's Night Lords books. The rest is lalalala not happening.

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I don't know, I prefer A-D-B's interpretation as everything is fluff, not canon. I understand that BL used to forge its own path ahead, but when I came in, it was following GW's lead in keeping with the fluff and has been ever since. To be honest, these whole conflicts about which is canon and which isn't is kind of stupid to me because, well because it's all right. If you say GW is canon, Forgeworld is fluff and BL is side-story filler, then well, the Tiger Claws are the original Astral Claws, Periclitor is still a Night Lord and the Skulltakers are the Berzerkers of Kharadon. If it is some other order, it changes all over again. You put them together, you get that the Astral Claws and the Tiger Claws are connected, but the Tiger Claws are actually an extinct(endangered if you want to be technical) successor, Periclitor is a Word Bearer who uses hit-and-run, terrorist tactics who had Night Lords as his Chosen warriors and there are two Warbands of Skulltakers. One is led by a former World Eater who was last seen at the Siege of Vraks, the other is made up of the former Loyalists, the Berzerkers of Kharadon, who were last seen in Ultramar, fighting in the Bloodborn horde of M'Kar, who was freed by Honsou.
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