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Chaos Army Legion


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I'm going to be starting a new chaos army


and I'm undecided on what legion to do


I was think of doing non god specific force


also can people give units that go with that specific legion


any help would be good



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When trying to decide on a new army I find it really useful to check out what other people have done. I often get my inspiration from seeing what other people come up with.


These are some of my favourite Undivided WIP threads. There are many more excellent threads in the WIP forum but I wont link them all.

Iron Warriors: Insane Psychopath, Vladvar The Destroyer, sword brethren and the damned artifacer.

Word Bearers: RazakelXIII and greatcrusade08.

Night Lords: Dan the Deamon(There are also some really nice Alpha Legion in this thread) and DarkVen.

Black Legion: Subtle Discord(Really, really awesome vehicle conversions).

Alpha Legion: Excessus

The Legion of Taurus isn't an official traitor legion, but a really well done DIY CSM army. Definitely worth a look.


I've also done some Iron Warriors and Word Bearers in this thread. I know how hard it is trying to choose a legion. I'm stuck at the moment because I can't decide which legion to work on for the new codex...


I hope this helps and I hope you get some inspiration from the excellent work here on the B&C :lol:

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No Alpha Legion in that list kizzy? :D

There are some really nice Alphas in Dan the Deamons thread. I looked for your thread as an example but couldn't see it in the WIP forum. I suppose I could have linked your New Badab thread :D


Edit: Added your excellent New Badab thread.

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