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Angels Sanguine


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I was accused last weekend of not playing 'thematically'!

Yes that word was used! I play an up close and in your face AoS force.

Drop pods, assault weapons and tactics to slay but apparently I was playing 'like a khornite force'

Is this possible? Discernible difference? Apart from some themed choices how different is the BA codex in play?

(Yes naive question but better to ask agt the font of knowledge.....)

I do have a Nightlords force but that plays differently,markedly different.

What to do? Just using the AoS template on the basic C:SM

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Mh, Blood Angels, and on that matter, Angels Sanguine, do fight differently than World Eaters. World Eaters are possessed by dreams of bloodspilling and are in a continuous stage of rage and only the slightest possibility of bloodshed will make them go crazy. Their only existence is to offer skulls to the skull throne.


Blood Angels and their successors fight as Space Marines, and except for the Knights of Blood and the Flesh Tearers(and maybe 'Eaters) are very disciplined as codex marines should be. Their approach needs preparation, they don't simply rage forward and kill or die trying. Their devastators are actually as good as any other Legion's, and while it is true that they suffer from the Red Thirst, the control over it has made them more disciplined than anyone could know.


The Angels Sanguine are a Blood Angels successor, therefore this applies to them as well. The 'new' fluff is pretty boring, so it's better to make something up for yourself. From a general POV, the AS are as disciplined as their Progenitor Legion and use different tactics in different situations.


In your face armies are a good to represent this, and all of our armies are fast as hell! So don't worry if someone tells you that you're playing a Khornite army when you're not. I use assaulty forces a lot, while still deploying Tactical Squads and Baal Preds to get the needed firepower. If you're going for a good combination of shooty and assaulty units, you're good to go...and frankly, you'll need all of them. :D





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How very dare he slight the honour of the angels sanguine! Pick up your chainsword and rend him limb from limb in retaliation! :D


Angels Sanguine have little to no established fluff in the official GW canon so you're free to make them as tame or as bloodthirsty as you like. I play mine as a more rounded, 'tactical' force, for want of a better term, but there's nothing wrong with getting right up in the fact of the enemy. There's nothing wrong with playing how you feel is 'thematic', and nobody should be allowed to complain if they think you're not playing thematically - nobody can force you to play the way they want.

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I was accused last weekend of not playing 'thematically'!
Sounds like they were a sore loser.


If you picked units from your codex, that's a theme.


How does a Khornate force play, incidentally? I dont see them using drop pods and assault weapon...

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I was accused last weekend of not playing 'thematically'!




Say what now? Then what theme were you supposed to play here? Marines have assault companies, and the blood angels more so train ALL marines in the use of jump packs. Are you playing an assault heavy force? So what, the Ultramarines can do that as well for peeps sake :)


What theme did they expect when they saw blood angels across the field anyway? Were they expecting you to roll over and die? -_- not quite sure what to reply so such a bland and unclear statement...

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