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When the new book hits the selves

Brother Nihm

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For me, the Drake most likely.



I saw the early leak.

I saw the followup scans from WD.

I absolutely hated the design then.

Still do.



I do love the potential of a Chaos flyer and the general concept of a machine-daemon-CSM(or human) meld.

The wing sections and engine cowl seems to be somewhat salvageable.


I have made it my personal quest to convert it so that it no longer resembles a mechanical dragon.

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Saturday morning, 10.00 local time here in Sweden, I'll be buying:

*Codes: Chaos Space Marines


*Forge Fiend




*Chaos Psychic Cards



...I would love to convert a drake too, mainly by using the fuselage of this: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-4000...OS-FIGHTER.html


...but I have a tournament to go to just a bit after the release and I don't actually have the time for that! :D

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Almost definitely the Forgefiend, and then I'll sit and stare at the Warp Talons/Raptors entry while I build another Chaos Lord with gear from the new armoury, then buy a box of those guys and build them into whichever unit I like more.
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Call me odd, but I'm picking up some possessed and normal CSM squads first. I haven't started a chaos army yet, although I've been wanting to for a while (primarily World Eaters with Forgeworld bits, but that idea died quick), so I'm coming up with my own CSM army (thread to follow soon). I might even throw in some Raptor/Warp Talons for awesomeness sake.


So far, the whole Idea of my army is going to be that they are very heavily mutated Marines. I've painted enough normal power armor through my time in 40K, so something a little more than "spikey marines" is what I'm going for.


Second on my list is a toss up between the forge/maulerfiend and the Heldrake. I kinda like the Fiend as is (just going to do a little customizing, if that), but the Heldrake.. here we go.


The Heldrake as a model itself is not exactly great. It looks as though GW tried to make it smaller through having no tail and smashing down the wings for less storage space, but it has a LOT of potential, and is a dream come true for someone that likes to customize. I plan to add in some cabling on the tail, and try to twist the neck a little to make it a little more dragony (I just like dragons :D ), along with putting up the wings. But I have a feeling that the Heldrake is suffering from Stormtalon sydrome, where the picture angles screw it up six ways from Sunday, but when you actually see one in your hands, it looks pretty awesome.


That's just my two cents, pence, rubels, rupies, what have you.

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Does the book itself count? Because I'll be picking that up a week after it comes out (cuz' thats when Mal gets paidz).


After that, probably the next box I'll get is the cultists! What, they aren't releasing a cultist box in the first wave? Oh... Well, the next box I get will still probably be cultists, anyway. It'll just be longer until I buy them. It's all for the best really, I've got freaking tons of models to paint and/or repaint already, some of which will need to be reconverted to fit the new rules anyway.


I'll pick up a couple boxes of the new raptors eventually, just to replace the metal raptors I have right now and don't care much for, but they're not a high priority for me. Actually, I've heard a couple people actually prefer the old metal models for some reason, maybe I can find someone willing to trade new for old.

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I'm not really sure. I can't decide between my Word Bearers and Iron Warriors... work on my chaos force has come to a halt because of my indecision. Either way I think I'll be getting some cultists though.
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2x boxs of raptors and the champion for me.

want be getting any of the dino bots. if the rules for them are any good i may get some of the cool forgeworld demon engines and use them as counts as.

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Depending on the rules, I'm thinking a couple of boxes of Raptors/Talons and some rhinos. I gave my unpainted rhinos to another army :D


Maybe the Drake.



Oh! and the champion and the sorceror.

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I think the warpsmith & the Chaos Chaplain will both be the first models I buy from the new range.


Just for me the Warpsmith my favrout model & just the amount of detail suit my image/way I see Iron Warriors/my own Chaos Marines. While Chaplain just look really cool.


But after that, my aim to read the codex & then make my army list as I think I only got 12 days to get ready for Throne of Skulls October down in Nottingham Warhammer World. Once I done that my aim to buy what I will need for my Iron Warriors both any new kits/current kits & boxies I need for conversion. I will also need to look that a 1750pts list with my Iron Warriors as I have another tournament the week after the Throne of Skulls event :P


I am looking forward to Saturday.



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When I put in my pre-order for the 'dex, I likewise pre-ordered the Chosen Champ, Sorceror, psychic power cards, and a box of the new Raptors (of which I'll probably get a second the day-of). Other than that, none of the rest the of new model line particularly thrilled me.
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I guess first will be Fiend and a Sorcerer. My Iron Warriors warband will like themselves a huge beast to tear down walls and a Sorcerer seems like a good investment to try out all this new 6th edition psychic stuff. Plus the models look really good!
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I pre-ordered a couple of boxes of Raptors, a Warpsmith, and a new Sorceror. Out of these, I think that I'll build/convert the Warpsmith first, as he seems to be the best time investment to get new stuff on the table, and in the short term, he'll probably fill the spot vacated by my Daemon Prince.
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Fffffnnnggghhh...everything. Everything. I'll have the lot, thank you, shop keep! The vast, vast majority will be heavily converted to bring it in line with the general themes and aesthetic of my army, but yes; I have splurged on pre orders, and they shall be mine...
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Taking a lot on faith here (which is ridiculous, considering how fickle Chaos is):


A) Convert my loyalist Landraider Redeemer into a Chaos Redeemer. Oh, I know we likely aren't going to get ANY customisation options but I so dearly want a Chaos Redeemer. Those Flamestorm cannons are just aching to be converted into screaming daemonic maws... maybe using Heldrake heads...


^_^ Enough gribbly bits and Reaper Autocannons to turn my ten loyalist Terminators into suitably 'orrible Chaos Terminators.


C) The Raptors. I love Raptors. Always have. But the cost to effectiveness ratio in the current 'dex is just not worth it, especially when factoring in my fluff and giving them a Khorne Icon (30 points, yeesh!). Related to that: Taking the Warp Talon arms and Raptor heads and making a squad of lightning-clawed Chosen.


D) Probably the Maulerfiend. I'd love to Khornify that beast. That and my two Helbrutes/Dreads should make for a suitable set of las-magnets to free up the rest of my force.


E) Parts for a Chaos Vindicator, assuming they're still deadly as heck. Or parts for a Chaos Predator. I decided that a massive gun would compliment my close-combat army nicely.



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