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Rhino rush or Drop Pod death?


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Hey guys,


I've been looking at my options and have been thinking about which way to enter battle! A rough design of the list before I ask the question:


Tactical squad

Tactical Squad

Death Company

Jump pack squad

Sternguard squad


Those will be my 5 main squads. The jump packs I'm thinking of just Jumping, or possibly deepstriking (my other stuff in the list should allow this for the 50% rule), but I'm wondering about the 2 tac squads, death co and sternguard.


Should I pod them, rhino them or a mixture of both?


I've recently completely changed my list as I used to DOA mostly, but with changes to 6th and running a heresy era army of forgeworld stuff I've needed to make changes and need to get this pretty much spot on (mainly for cash reasons!)


Any help would be massively appreciated!



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I would put the death company in the drop pod, since you can't assault straight out of a stationary rhino anymore... for the tactical squads, it's really a question of whether you value mobility for the squad (Rhino) over the ability to be exactly where you want to be to start with.


If you want your decision made for you, I'd say DC in drop pod, sternguard in pod, one tac squad in a pod to give you options of which two pods come in first, and the final tactical squad in a rhino (A very pretty Forgeworld Rhino).


Just a note, Units which enter the field by drop pod don't count as part of the 50% allowed to be held in reserves because they must enter by deepstrike, so in this list your Assault Marines can always be kept in reserve, even if everything else is in a drop pod.


Hope some of this helps.




P.S. Get some pictures of the transports once you get some paint on them.

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Thanks for the feedback!


I'll be adding them all to my blog as I go. 3 pods 1 rhino might be a good plan actually. One squad will have good mobility (I'll be sure to hide it for first blood!), two will arrive first turn and the last will arrive later to claim objectives as needed!





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