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Greetings everyone, allow me to introduce myself.


My name is Aaron, I live in western New York and have been an avid 40k fan for a few years. (Clipping the end of 4th ed)


I have a bit of a scatterbrain when it comes to the hobby as I constantly have to buy and play with stuff even if I cant use it. I have a retired Ork army and am playing a Marine army of my own creation, Chaos Blood Angels who I adore. Late 5th ed I started Homebrewing a Codex for them but have been on a hiatus from 40k for about a year now. I'm diving back in now and am a little bit over my head but am looking forwards to 6th ed with promise and can't wait to get back into the swing of things.


TL;DR I play Blood Angels and talk a lot.

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Hail and welcome, brother! Might I ask what alignment your Chaos Blood Angels follow? Are they pantheistic or do they pray to a single Dark God?

They would be Khornate to the extreme, I play them accordingly refusing to use Librarians and forgo most shooting options in favor of assault and assault weapons. It has put me at a slight disadvantage on more than one occasion but its the aesthetics and style of play I prefer.

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