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Starting Chaos Army


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I am starting up a new Chaos army, I am new to Chaos but not 40k.


I'm having some trouble deciding who to play, originally I thought a Night Lords and Thousand Sons combination, but I do like Alpha Legion as well. I plan on keeping Thousand Sons in there, so its a matter of Night Lords or Alpha Legion.


On a related note, if I went with Night Lords, would silver trim be fine to use instead of the typical gold?

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Like Killax says! Just choose what scheme you like most!


Both are blue (ish) so thats one thing they have in common ^_^

You could look into the background stories and pick what one you like more or think would most suit your style!

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When you say do them all, do you mean all 3 Legions as the same army/force chart? I did have the thought of a custom Legion, like a blend of Alpha Legion and Night Lords, or just a Silver trimmed Night Lords instead of Gold
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When you say do them all, do you mean all 3 Legions as the same army/force chart?

Yes. In Loyalist terms, this is a "Crusade Force" used when several chapters are engaged in the same action. It's mainly an excuse for someone to field their favorite chapters on the field at the same time.


It's also perfectly legal, and fun, to do. It keeps you from painting the same thing over and over again, tiring of the scheme.


I did have the thought of a custom Legion, like a blend of Alpha Legion and Night Lords, or just a Silver trimmed Night Lords instead of Gold

That can work, too. In some Chapters/Legions, the visual difference between Companies is the trim.


The important part is to make it yours so you enjoy the process.

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