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Word Bearers and Renegades


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Well I've been thinking a lot about the Word Bearers lately. They're my favourite of the Traitor legions by a long way, and I really dig the whole evil holy warriors vibe. But when it comes to an army to field, I want a bit more control over my list than WB fluff allows, as well as freedom to come up with a colour scheme more to my liking.


This got me thinking about creating my own warband, similarly zealous, and perhaps even inspired by the teachings of the Word Bearers. But how feasible is this?


Word Bearers have always been not only zealous worshippers of the Chaos gods, but also in many depictions sort of preachers or missionaries. While this is often turned to the spreading of cults among human populations, I often wonder how they'd feel about corrupting loyalist Astartes when the opportunity arises? The Word Bearers were the architects of the Horus Heresy after all. Would it make sense for them to seize any opportunity to convert the descendents of those Astartes that remained loyal to the False Emperor millennia ago?


I've been thinking about it a lot lately. In my head it makes sense, and I don't think it conflicts with the fluff as it stands; but I can't find any examples of this ever happening either. So I was wondering what all you guys think?


Would it fit within fluff to say for example, the Word Bearers deliberately stranded a loyalist strike force on a planet with not much but a Chaos temple and a copy of the Book of Lorgar for company? Or in some other way took an active interest in luring 'susceptible' loyalists to their own faith on occasion?


Just wondering what everyone thinks.

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I say go for it. But what can't you run with Word Bearers?


Maybe he's afraid that people will confuse a Word Bearers army for an World Eaters, Red Corsairs, or Blood Angels army? Seriously, GW, we have enough red colored Chapters and Warbands! Make use of some of the other primary colors for a change.

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I could see it happening. Personally, I don't think it's been done before simply because of the fact that they want us, the players, to be able to explore our own routes through the fluff rather than just simply following Routes A, B, or C for Legion/Warband/Chapter X, Y, or Z.
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I'm glad to see everyone so far thinks this idea is reasonable.


As for what Word Bearers restrict your freedom on - there's a few things - cult troops and Marks, for starters. I like the idea of a group that view their religion more like ancient pantheon religions in real life - they believe in and revere all the gods, but some choose to dedicate themselves to one in particular.


Essentially I like the whole zealotry and evil-holy-men theme, but I want to look at it in a slightly different way for my own warband. More on that in another thread, I imagine soon.

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When I think of Chaos and warbands I often think of the many factions of modern religion. In the Catholic church you can trace every separatist sect to a single decision the church made that the founders of that sect disagreed with so vehemently that they chose to stand apart because of it. If I were to approach the problem, I would look for critical points in the Word Bearer's history where they took a turn your warband would not agree with. That moment becaomes the split and the person with the gumption to lead the split becomes the new leader.


With the Word Bearers that split is not just possible, but almost an imperative. The flaw in their gene seed is that they are overly zealous. Their Primarch penned the Lictio Divinatus, was spurned by the emperor for it, turned to chaos only to find that the Inquisition uses the dogma presented within it as the spiritual guidance for condemning the Word Bearers. Every tiny event leading up do Davin or Isstvan could have been a road that some Word Bearer Astartes would have refused to travel because they believed just a hair differently. That doubt in a zealous mind would become a moral wedge that would easily drive through the bonds of brotherhood and demand that they become divided. Imagine the spiritual state of every Word Bearer during their time on Davin while they were surrounded by loyalists, each other, the carcass of their dead warmaster they were trying to breathe chaos into and add in that they could have been fraternizing witht he founding members of the inquisition at the same time. So much room for exploration. Pick a thread, go with it :P


It may help to stop thinking of them as evil. In their minds they are trying to do good. Their definition of good is just a tad off kilter from ours :blink:

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