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resin and glue/greenstuff


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Assembling some tartaros terminators, and I have having a really tough time getting the pieces to stay together. Tried GW glue, greenstuff and pinning with both.


What do other people use?


FYI I'm in the US... so European stuff that isn't broadly marketed will not help :huh:

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Did you wash those bad boys?


Forge world..well every resin model maker I know of uses a release agent. It looks kind of oily and feels sticky to the touch. This stuff is easily removed with warm water and dawn soap. Scrub it with a tooth brush. let them air dry, (dont use a hair dryer, your models will warp) and then superglue should work properly after that.



remember to post pics when you are done ;)



Yeah - when you say "glue"..... Poly-cement (aka plastic glue) or cyanoacrylate (superglue)?


Resin is not a plastic polymer but cross-bonded chemically cured polymer so your usual poly cement (which acts as a solvent) won't meld the pieces together. Needs to be superglue.

Tried GW glue, greenstuff and pinning with both.


ARG!!! I swear if I ever meet the person who first advanced the idea of using Green stuff as an adhesive I'm going to show him the difference between an adhesive and a gap filler with his mouth as the object lesson.


As others have said when working with resin A- make sure you wash off the release agent. Personally I put my pieces in a tub of warm (NOT HOT! but warm!) water with a little dish soap and leave them for an hour or so. Come back and use a tooth brush to clean 'em off, then let them air dry for a day on a towel. I've seen some people using cola to clean the parts. Can't personally vouch for that approach but I've heard it works well.

B- You must use a chemical bonding agent that does not rely on a chemical reaction from the parts themselves to bond. Plastic glue works by melting the surfaces of plastics together and then evaporating creating what is effectively a weld of plastic. Resin is non-reactive once it's cured (hardened) and thus agents like plastic glue will not work on it. Super Glue and Epoxies are your answer here. Personally I use Loc-tit.


As for the Green stuff, as I already ranted, it is not an adhesive (despite it's frustrating ability to stick to your fingers and tools). It is a molding compound. Use it for sculpting and gap filling. Not sticking part A to part B.



Good to know.


I guess I need to drop by my local hardware store for super glue. I didn't realize GW glue wasn't.


I think it was 10 years ago... which was the last time I was playing. :P


Well, at least I know now why it hasn't been working. [yes, I have been washing the resin pretty good; just one model out of 40/50 had a spot that wasn't. toothbrush rescrubing worked just fine]

GW DOES have a superglue, as well as a plastic glue - but both are rather crap, overpriced and under-effective.


I clean resin with a little dab of toothpaste on the brush and warm water if the dishsoap fails to work (the mould release that FW use sticks to resin better than babygak to a blanket) - the gentle abrasive polish in toothpaste works wonders.


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