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How much is too much for new Daemon Prince?


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The new Daemon Prince can get costly very fast. I play Chaos Daemons and want to ally with Chaos Space Marines.

I play Tzeentch, so i want Daemon of Tzeentch, and Power Armor. I can get a cheaper flying daemon prince for Chaos daemon codex. Chaos Daemons don't have psykers, so I want one of those. Add three mastery levels. I like to gamble, so lets add Gift of Mutation (Roll on boon table before deployment. Possible to get an array of bonus stats and rules. Re-roll spawn and prince results.) To make him extra Tzeentchy, give him Scrolls of Magnus (Each turn generates additional psychic power, another d6 to select power pool.) And Spell Familiar to help with psychic tests. Comes to an outstanding 325 points.


Could be fun to use. I might even try and make Magnus the Red Prince, as this load out seems fitting. But that is a lot of points to sink into a "fluffy" prince character. But tempting to roll 64 on the boon table for an additional D3+1 rolls on the table. Then biomancy powers. It could make for a insanely tough character. Or if you roll improve armor save, you now have a 2+ with re-rolling 1's.


Arhiman is about 100 points cheaper and can now infiltrate infantry units.

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I think the new daemon prince is an okay, if pricey option. The problem is that unless you can give him LOS cover he's going to get shot to death, or worse polo-minted by S10. That being said anything he hits in CC is going to die fast, WS9, I8 A5 means he goes first, hits hard and is AP2. He's a bit a of a paper tiger though, massed bolter fire will take him down fast, you need to keep him out of sight and charge into something threatening. I would only take him in larger point games as a second beatstick HQ, the cheapness of the Lord/Sorc are just too tempting.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Unless the DP has wings, he's going to have trouble staying alive, even with Daemon saves. Unfortunately being a Daemon of Tzeentch doesn't give you a +1 on your invulnerable saves like regular Marked units. :cuss


I guess you could use a Defiler or Land Raider as mobile cover, I think regular Rhinos are too short.

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