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Iron Sage

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Do they take up a slot? Are they 'real' FA now? And what does mutated beyond reason do?

Each turn, roll D3 on Mutated Beyond Reason table, gains that buff for that turn.


IIRC one of them was a 4+ armor save.



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Ah, I see that, but it looks like that only take effect in the assault phase? The wording on that rule seems a little wonky. What is the definition of 'turn?' If it is the full game turn that could be fun.
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Ah, I see that, but it looks like that only take effect in the assault phase? The wording on that rule seems a little wonky. What is the definition of 'turn?' If it is the full game turn that could be fun.


True. The rule begins with "At the beginning of each Fight sub-phase..." and goes on to say that you make a roll for ever Spawn unit that is "locked in combat."


With that said, the definition of "turn" here isn't one full game round, it's basically just for that assault phase -- because you roll again, as the rules states, "At the beginning of each Fight sub-phase."

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Do they take up a slot? Are they 'real' FA now?


Seems like they take up a slot. I hardly mind that, they actually seem to be viable. This codex is LUDICROUS in that there are so incredibly many options, many seeming like they are very, very viable.


Oh, and bikes are indeed 20 points in case ppl thought that too good to be true.


Raptors 17 points, now has fear as well, otherwise the same.


But now I want to get back to that lovely dark tome.


So someone was lucky enough to get his own hands on the Codex today ;)


The fact the new Codex is full of interesting option is very good.

I'm glad to see spawns are considered to have been "improved", so when my champions will roll spawnhood on the boon table I'll still get something "useful" ;)


Heh, nah, the actual Codex will hopefully be shipped from England towards my home on the 6th :)


The internet is mysterious though...


That makes a lot more sense ;)



Fixed typing error.. yes in a 5 words reply.... contrast with keyboard :P

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And yes, mate, very excited as well :D I bet even your pessimism is fading a tad now, eh? ^^


What did I always say was the point of that pessimism? It was to get the disappointment out of the way early, and keep my expectations in check so that when the codex hit, I'd be ready to hit the ground running.


The things I'm not happy with about the new book or the new models? Those are still things. Sons and Possessed are still pretty terrible for their points cost, obligatory challenges still seems like a pain. The models that I thought looked meh I still think look meh, but I've already said my piece on them so no need to bother about it now, and it's still a shame the designers didn't find a way to get cult termies & HQs in there for the cult players, even if I'm not one of them.


But the good stuff is still great - the large number of viable choices in HQ, Troop (if you count some of the cult units), Fast, and Heavy, the wealth of build options both within most units and in the army itself, several really cool wargear items, etc. Hell, some of this I spoke highly of over the last several weeks as well, it's not my fault team optimism was more interested in arguing over the bits we disagreed on then sharing our excitement over the bits we were all looking forward to. It's not their fault, either, disagreements are just more interesting.


Fair enough :)


An apple a day keeps the doctor away though, and I think the same is true if you try to focus on positive aspect. Even the ever cynical Jeske is sounding generally pleased (which I love to read, partly because of his tournament min-max cynicism), so I think we should in general seek to be constructive and make the best out of it. Personally, I find Warseer exceptionally tedious and boring to read, and the reason is the perpetual whining there. But sure, to be honest, I share your dissapointment concerning possessed, sons and lack of cult termies. But the positive aspects of the new codex seems to outshine that which is negative, so I don`t really see the point in focusing on the few negatives.


Best regards, Sage.


Your 100% right concerning the

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