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Daemon Princes


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Do we know for sure that there is no Eternal Warrior on the Prince? Or are people just assuming because it didn't say Eternal Warrior in the unit entry?


Because in the Daemon Codex the Eternal Warrior is noted as a sub-rule of the "Daemon" rule, which I assume the Daemon Prince is having. (In which case the DP would also be 5++ standard, which should be buffed to 4++ with MoT.)



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It's the Daemon USR, so no he won't have Eternal warrior, no other rules added to the army wide special rules to state they get eternal warrior.

The one in the Daemon Codex only effects chaos daemons.


I like the price hike, always felt weird playing a Prince in 1000 points over the lord, purely thematic but the also represents the increased lethality of the prince now that it can fly, though the loss of armour is annoying it means taking a cheapy prince as a bullet sponge can be fun or as ad-hoc dreadnoughts they may work.


Flying is the way to go really, if the options there take it, so far flakk is still not common beyond ageis lines, but hay no flying base so hide it behind buildings, still need true line of sight to target the thing, PA cause needs that save and I'll prob run it as a Khorne prince cause the extra attacks a great.


But mostly will get two for Boon table cause I intend to roll that as much as possible, helpful since I play IG alot and will kill a lot of sergeants, especially since it also appears to work in shooting so Precision shoting out a sergeant may net me a first turn DP with some lucky lucky lucky rolls.

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if the options there take it, so far flakk is still not common beyond ageis lines

your forgetting other flyers. flying MC are good when you can spam them . 4 tyrants . 4-5 MC out of chaos demons . Single high cost DP is like a single 4HP flyer . not the most optimal use of points.

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What I don't quite get is why people are so afraid of librarians?


A Daemon Prince with the Black Mace stands a VERY good chance of killing the Librarian before he does anything.


Similarly, a Nurgle Daemon Prince is T6 right? So doesn't have to worry about Railguns one-shotting him.


OK - he's expensive, but he's basically a Flying Mephiston (flying working in a similarly defensive way to hiding Mephiston).


265 points for WS9 S&T6 4W I8 with attacks at AP2 thanks to the Smash Special rule that cause instant death and wound on 2s? Can't quite see any other Monstrous Creature really living up to that with great ease.


And even if there's one that can, you're flying so you should be able to avoid it. Not to metion Shrouded giving the Prince a 3+ Jink Save against shooting attacks.


Seems pretty decent to me.


Unless I've missed something? :)


I'm not saying every Daemon Prince or Mark is Viable, but I think the Wings/MoN/Black Mace/Power Armour is certainly worth thinking about.

I'm not saying throw him at Draigo and hope to survive, but the vast majority of things in the game he could take one.


Yeah Not sure If I missed this in the dex but it seems that a Demon Prince of Khorne/Tzeetch/Nurgle/Slannesh wont have that mark of the patron god.


Hmm if this is true though, bit of a shame for the Nurgle Prince.

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Yeah Not sure If I missed this in the dex but it seems that a Demon Prince of Khorne/Tzeetch/Nurgle/Slannesh wont have that mark of the patron god.


I have to believe that is some sort of oversight in how the "Daemon of X" rule was written. The Daemon Prince can specifically take Chaos Artifacts, so why would they be limited to the artifacts that don't require a Mark? This has to be a case of "we thought it would be obvious...", in my opinion.

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What I don't quite get is why people are so afraid of librarians?


A Daemon Prince with the Black Mace stands a VERY good chance of killing the Librarian before he does anything.


Similarly, a Nurgle Daemon Prince is T6 right? So doesn't have to worry about Railguns one-shotting him.


OK - he's expensive, but he's basically a Flying Mephiston (flying working in a similarly defensive way to hiding Mephiston).


265 points for WS9 S&T6 4W I8 with attacks at AP2 thanks to the Smash Special rule that cause instant death and wound on 2s? Can't quite see any other Monstrous Creature really living up to that with great ease.


And even if there's one that can, you're flying so you should be able to avoid it. Not to metion Shrouded giving the Prince a 3+ Jink Save against shooting attacks.


Seems pretty decent to me.


Unless I've missed something? :)


I'm not saying every Daemon Prince or Mark is Viable, but I think the Wings/MoN/Black Mace/Power Armour is certainly worth thinking about.

I'm not saying throw him at Draigo and hope to survive, but the vast majority of things in the game he could take one.


Yeah Not sure If I missed this in the dex but it seems that a Demon Prince of Khorne/Tzeetch/Nurgle/Slannesh wont have that mark of the patron god.


Hmm if this is true though, bit of a shame for the Nurgle Prince.


The DP of Nurgle do not gain +1T, they gain some other rules instead.

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shrouded and s&p . it is also why the ax is so good giving rage , because khorn demons dont get it from their mark .

Though, until they have FAQ:ed it, princes can't take the axe because they don't have something called "Mark of Khorne". They have a separate entry where they are called "Daemon of Khorne" and so on. Marks are described at some page, which also includes their effects, so logically, if a prince of khorne would have a mark of khorne included in his "daemon of...", he would already have the rage the axe gives, wich means that GW has made an error somewhere...now we only need to wait and see where that error lies...

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Well there are some strange things that I don't get: What happens if you roll on chaos boons 21-22/65-66 I don't have spawn/DP model in my army? Why is Helbrute and Maulerfiend just 2 attacks base?
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Well there are some strange things that I don't get: What happens if you roll on chaos boons 21-22/65-66 I don't have spawn/DP model in my army? Why is Helbrute and Maulerfiend just 2 attacks base?

It's important not to get too hung up on the number of attacks listed for those guys. The Maulerfiend has two powerfists, so effectively has 3.

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Well there are some strange things that I don't get: What happens if you roll on chaos boons 21-22/65-66 I don't have spawn/DP model in my army? Why is Helbrute and Maulerfiend just 2 attacks base?


In the case of the Spawn I imagine the model would be removed as a casualty as per normal, yeah? As for what to do if you don't have a Daemon Prince, I guess you just use an empty can of Pepsi or whatever to proxy.

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It says everything is the same as the spawn result except change all mentions of spawn to daemon prince, keep it's armour and keep it's warlord trait.


If no prince model goes bye bye me's think.


As for Jeske about flyers, I don't worry to much as a kiwi, even the 'reasonably' priced scythes are found only in the hands of young kids whose parents love them more then mine do.

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Surprised no one has mentioned it yet... Daemon Prince on a Juggernaught of Khorne.


Nuff said. :P

That's because only models with MoK can ride juggers, and princes don't have marks...

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