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Daemon Princes


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Surprised no one has mentioned it yet... Daemon Prince on a Juggernaught of Khorne.


Nuff said. B)


Sadly not possible as he is not an infantry models.


EDIT: Also as Excessus has pointed out: no marks on princes.


Princes do have marks as far as I understand from the codex.


However, the codex Specifies that Daemon princes cannot take steeds.

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Has anyone found a viable sub 200 point build?


No, and this also makes me pleased. I dont want them to be usable in low points battles to be honest. Always found the Daemon Prince spam quite retarded fluffwise to be honest.


For a DP to be effective, you are looking at 250+ points.

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Has anyone found a viable sub 200 point build?


No, and this also makes me pleased. I dont want them to be usable in low points battles to be honest. Always found the Daemon Prince spam quite retarded fluffwise to be honest.


For a DP to be effective, you are looking at 250+ points.


I fully agree with the fluff rationale but when unique chatacters like Huron are far below the 200, I would feel fine fielding a 180good point prince. Then again I did tend to run naked cheap princes so even 180-200 points is a substantial upgrade

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Has anyone found a viable sub 200 point build?


No, and this also makes me pleased. I dont want them to be usable in low points battles to be honest. Always found the Daemon Prince spam quite retarded fluffwise to be honest.


For a DP to be effective, you are looking at 250+ points.


I fully agree with the fluff rationale but when unique chatacters like Huron are far below the 200, I would feel fine fielding a 180good point prince. Then again I did tend to run naked cheap princes so even 180-200 points is a substantial upgrade


Not sure I like the idea of a Naked prince to be strictly honest. But thats because I want them to be proper Princes I guess :)


As for Huron, you have a very good point I confess. But he`s something you can use as "counts as", while a prince becomes a tad more difficult to use as such.

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I was aiming for this to be a nice and fun thread where people was posting their daemon prince builds, and I only get whiners in here...


Sorry for being a downer, but unless I'm playing over 2000 points my initial impression still stands, they will remain in the case for Boon rolls. If I'm playing a large game, things open up a bit:


Night Lords DP:


Mark of Khorne


Power Armour

Dimensional Key


Get into combat ASAP and activate key for my raptors and Warp Talons.

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Daemon of tzeench (reroll ones for saves)

Power armour (with dot basicaly a 2+ save)


Sorc one or two depending how how cheep i feel

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Yup. If you're going for an over the top, points heavy super-monster, than the mace is pretty much an automatic choice. The resulting beast probably isn't really worth the cost, but damn will it be impressive if it ever sees combat.


I wouldn't go reconverting any current models to represent it yet, though. It's still entirely possible that the FAQ might kill it.

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Yup. If you're going for an over the top, points heavy super-monster, than the mace is pretty much an automatic choice. The resulting beast probably isn't really worth the cost, but damn will it be impressive if it ever sees combat.


I wouldn't go reconverting any current models to represent it yet, though. It's still entirely possible that the FAQ might kill it.




At the moment I am unsure to field any of them, since we don't have that interesting ranged attack for them (almost none).

Not it's awesome in combat and a flyer (always good) but it's not the same as he used to be.

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Stat wise they are better then before, they may be useful in a strategic sense, as they will still draw a lot of fire, which can help with the early game push, if they ignore the Prince it will be able to skitter round and cause some havoc to flanking squads or back field artillery, while supporting your pushers with either psychic powers or by charging, even with out a daemon weapon daemon weapon it's gonna wreck.


I'd say Wings, PA, MoN, PML 1


Swoop him across the board and vector any heavy guns until the pushers get within threat range, if no lord they'll be CC dedicated Chaos Marines, if marked lord then either plagues or zerkers, then throw out either of the maledictions and pound on in to close combat to mop up the enemy troops, once in CC alongside the troops he's safe from harm while havocs send some autocannon rounds into any remaining enemy support.

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What about Slaanesh DP with only power armor? Sub 200 point and the extra fleet helps mitigate the lack of wings. You do lose out on the whole FMC aspect

too much plasma . dies to fast . And that is for 1500pts . not flyer DP make little sense . Funy enough when one starts to think about DPs as HQs it is offten better to buy fateweaver.

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What about Slaanesh DP with only power armor? Sub 200 point and the extra fleet helps mitigate the lack of wings. You do lose out on the whole FMC aspect


If you do that, I feel it would be silly not to take at least one psyker lv, though I would take 2.

I think that might work though, but 25 points making him have a roll on the Slanny magic wheel, is too good to ignore.

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too much plasma . dies to fast . And that is for 1500pts . not flyer DP make little sense . Funy enough when one starts to think about DPs as HQs it is offten better to buy fateweaver.

Why Fateweaver? His ability does not work on allies, so he is of somewhat limited usefulness to an allied CSM army, methinks.

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Could a footslogging Daemon Prince be useful in an army with footslogging/Deep striking Terminator squad? It would certainly create a situation of prioritisng fire?


Doesn't scream out effective to me at first but I'm just spit balling ideas.

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Could a footslogging Daemon Prince be useful in an army with footslogging/Deep striking Terminator squad? It would certainly create a situation of prioritisng fire?


Doesn't scream out effective to me at first but I'm just spit balling ideas.


I was thinking something similar but going with Chaoszilla list of fiends, brutes, hellchickens and maybe defilers. Troops would probably be CSMs in rhinos.

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Daemonzilla would be interesting. Chaos Space Marines- 1-2 Daemon Princes, 2 squads of maxed Spawns of Nurgle, Mutilaters, and Cultists, Chaos Daemons- Greater Daemon, Daemon Prince, Fiends, Daonettes, and Seekers.


Haven't looked at points, bit seems like a fast army.

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