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=][= Firs, last and only warning =][=

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Ok folks, the Chaos dex is set to hit stores this weekend. While that is cool and all, it isn't grounds to start breaking the forum rules. In particular the rules about providing/requesting illegal copies of the rules.


If we find anyone offering copies of the rules (as has been brought up in several posts already), there will be no pass go, no collecting $200. It will be straight to the Emperor's Mercy and airlock 42.


Asking for said rules will get your account suspended for 1 week at this time.



We'd rather not have to do this but it has reached troublesome levels with this particular release.


We get it, you Chaos players have been waiting AGES for your new rules, a few more days wait won't kill you. Don't get your account bounced because you couldn't wait a few more days for your local store to have it.

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