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New gaming philosophy thanks to new codex


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After reading the book, there are some things that stick out:


The Lord of Deception warlord trait is amazing. The special characters that have it automatically are both very good; Ahriman for obvious reasons, and Huron is great for his points cost; having a character that hits very hard at I with AP3 or having the option to switch to AP2 and going last is nice. But the warlord trait allows for some sick combos. My friend and I have been discussing team tournament lists now, and we're of the same mindset - dealing with 20 infiltrating berserkers with Khârn or Abbadon is going to be rough for anyone.

Well Abby is always Warlord so I am afraid it will not be possible, but as you mentioned terminators, remember that they can infiltrate boarded in their dedicated transport, or you can outflank with it :P . Think big, guys!

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After reading the book, there are some things that stick out:


The Lord of Deception warlord trait is amazing. The special characters that have it automatically are both very good; Ahriman for obvious reasons, and Huron is great for his points cost; having a character that hits very hard at I with AP3 or having the option to switch to AP2 and going last is nice. But the warlord trait allows for some sick combos. My friend and I have been discussing team tournament lists now, and we're of the same mindset - dealing with 20 infiltrating berserkers with Khârn or Abbadon is going to be rough for anyone.

Well Abby is always Warlord so I am afraid it will not be possible, but as you mentioned terminators, remember that they can infiltrate boarded in their dedicated transport, or you can outflank with it :P . Think big, guys!


I am still kind of wondering if this is true. Can one really infiltrate dedicated transports? Rhinos is one thing, but infiltrating a landraider sounds kind of funny (in a good way, but would it be balanced?)

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After reading the book, there are some things that stick out:


The Lord of Deception warlord trait is amazing. The special characters that have it automatically are both very good; Ahriman for obvious reasons, and Huron is great for his points cost; having a character that hits very hard at I with AP3 or having the option to switch to AP2 and going last is nice. But the warlord trait allows for some sick combos. My friend and I have been discussing team tournament lists now, and we're of the same mindset - dealing with 20 infiltrating berserkers with Khârn or Abbadon is going to be rough for anyone.

Well Abby is always Warlord so I am afraid it will not be possible, but as you mentioned terminators, remember that they can infiltrate boarded in their dedicated transport, or you can outflank with it :devil: . Think big, guys!


I am still kind of wondering if this is true. Can one really infiltrate dedicated transports? Rhinos is one thing, but infiltrating a landraider sounds kind of funny (in a good way, but would it be balanced?)

"If a unit with Infiltrate is deployed inside a Dedicated Transport, they may Infiltrate or Outflank along with their Transport, but if they do, they must deploy/move onto the table embarked within it."

rulebook pg. 38


It is possible and potentially nasty. It is balanced? We will see, but some people here surely remember times, when certain tactical genius was able to infiltrate titans...

Also if I did not overlooked anything, cultist can ride in transports and mutilators/oblits in LR...

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That much infiltration/outflank is going to be hard on an opponent pretty much no matter how you slice it. You could potentially run enough in to completely change where the front of the battle is by turn 2. That said, I don't think a landraider is really worth it for this route just because I don't think landraiders are worth it this edition period. I was actually very disappointed to see that they have NO extra options and cost MORE than before.


Power of the Machine Spirit would have really made a big difference here, but shooting 2las cannons and a heavy bolter at the same unit is a rough restriction. You are either massively overkilling with the las cannons, or you can't ding it with the bolter. But that bowl of chips is probably for another thread.

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Is the Land Raider a dedicated transport for Terminators or just a Heavy support slot?


Out of my head the only dedicated transport in the codex is the Rhino so it would take a Heavy slot, I am also a bit bummed by this since our heavy support is really good and often the LR is not worth the slot.

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Is the Land Raider a dedicated transport for Terminators or just a Heavy support slot?

Aside from beeing a Heavy support slot, the Land Raider is a dedicated transport for Terminators.

It can have upgrades coming from the Chaos Vehicule equipment, you should really give them Dirge Casters.

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It can be very expensive bait, that your opponent HAS to remove wile rest of your army advances/shoots. Also with ability to flat out you are going to threaten any spot in opponents army. It doesn't even matter that he will blow your LR after going flat out, because you are getting that charge next turn. Also with luck, you can infiltrate more than one LR. ;)
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Rmember that dedicatd transport gets OUTFLANK if its held in reserve and does not infiltrate, also the only vehicles for dedicated are rhinos (posessed, havoks, CSM, cult marines, chosen) and raiders (termies).


I think a LR filled with MoT termies would be a MASSIVE pain for all opponents, especially if followed by a rhino full of havoks with autocannon. Just swarm them with cultists at the same time and youve sucessfuly isolated half his forces very quickly.

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The new codex hasn't really changed my philosophy...rather it has strengthened several of my sayings about the game:


1) There is no bad unit, only bad tactics: After talking to the local power gamer, I was informed that if I were to run anything except units with the Mark of tzeentch I would lose, and certain units aren't worth buying...ever. Yeah well...I say if a unit looks good to you then you will find a tactic to make it work.


2) Your army is yours, don't listen to back-seat-generals: I cannot stress this enough. Every time a new codex or rulebook comes out, there is always that one guy who "knows everything" about it. I say learn it yourself, because what you experience isn't what he experiences.


3) Accept change and move on: When writing my army list I realised that I was unable to find a reason to run my Berzerker squad. I simply couldn't find a reason to run them over unit X or unit Y. After a game or two I might see things differently. My list might have to be entirely redone. That being said, I will always choose fluff over WAAC any day.

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