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I think the warp talons are a bit pricier than I'll want to field, plus regular raptors seem more in theme with my Black Legion.


On the other hand, warp talons are daemons... And I hate the possessed rules... Maybe I'll just give all my possessed wings or jump packs and use them as warp talons? I hadn't considered that....

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I think that's why they rely on the "Blind" rule. They're meant to be a pure shock unit. Slap an Icon on your HQ, or get your Dimensional Key ready and activated, Deep Strike them in on top of a unit that is giving you trouble, scare the crap out of them, and start tearing them to shreds.
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Warp Talons also lack grenades. Raptors do not.


What?! Who keeps forgetting to give our damn dedicated assault units grenades?! Where's the damn Quartermaster!!

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I think that's why they rely on the "Blind" rule. They're meant to be a pure shock unit. Slap an Icon on your HQ, or get your Dimensional Key ready and activated, Deep Strike them in on top of a unit that is giving you trouble, scare the crap out of them, and start tearing them to shreds.


Except that the blind rule is very unreliable... at best.

I really think Warp Talons are not that great without grenades.

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You are asking for trouble deepstriking your warp talons within 6" of enemy units. You will be very lucky if you get blind something, rather than be out of range or mishap because you scattered onto the very unit you were trying to blind.
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I'm a Raptor fan as I always wanted to Khorne and Nurgle Raptors, but if you want to waste 10 points, give your Nurgle Raptors the Icon of Despair, they will then cause Fear twice...



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I'm a Raptor fan as I always wanted to Khorne and Nurgle Raptors, but if you want to waste 10 points, give your Nurgle Raptors the Icon of Despair, they will then cause Fear twice...




It is for combat resolution though. I agree that this is not worth 10 points though.

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I do believe our raptors are a better choice. MoK and banner of wrath give them awesome offensive ability. 215 w/ Mok and the banner give them 4 attacks each on the charge w/ FC. Better than BA assault marines...for less. Warp talon I feel are ok, but more gimicky. Beside, deepstriking within 6" of the enemy has never worked out for me.
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Everyones worried about grenades, just don't charge things in cover and you got nothing to fear.


Oh noes theres more terrain in 6th, so, unless theres only trees theres gonna be a way to assault them without moving through cover, remember that bottom floor of ruins without a base is open terrain.

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5 Raptors, 2 Plasmaguns, no champ upgrades, 125 points. Run'em down a flank with a naked Maulerfiend and you can OWN it for 250 points. Same basic principle as Dark Eldar Scourges - it may not be scoring, but whatever you hit with is sure as hell isn't going to be either when you're done with it.
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FOC composition, cheaper icon affects, if you're springing for them. Guaranteed to keep the whole unit together when engaging in combat, don't have to worry about them getting separated, or one being unable to charge a target after the other has already charged, due to not being able to get models in base. It's pretty easy to claim first blood off of five power armored dudes acting alone.


Not all that much, really. If they really wanted to encourage large squad sizes, they should have done marks and vests as 'per unit' rather than 'per model' upgrades.

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I had not noticed that Warp Talons lack grenades. That changes the dynamic in my mind. Raptors, I think, are definitely worth more now in comparison. Hmmm...


It is a Phil Kelly thing. He has this habit of going back over the codex when he is finished, finding the coolest CC unit in the 'dex and ripping the assault grenades off of them. I look at it as his special torture for each of us. He writes amazing codices with superb balance.... and loves assault squads with no assault grenades.


Except Space pups. Phil gave them assault grenades all around. I think he should to to his councilor about that one...


See also: Incubi.

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Slap an Icon on your HQ, or get your Dimensional Key ready and activated


Somehow I can't find entry that says we still can deep strike onto icons, is it in the codex? And you cannot guarantee that you'll get your key activated before you roll deep strike for your talons.


Oh noes theres more terrain in 6th, so, unless theres only trees theres gonna be a way to assault them without moving through cover, remember that bottom floor of ruins without a base is open terrain.


It more depends on the table you're playing. In my local game club all tables are made by professional guy, and there's enough area terrain to get hidden every jump move. So any unit without grenades is totally useless in close combat.


It is a Phil Kelly thing. He has this habit of going back over the codex when he is finished, finding the coolest CC unit in the 'dex and ripping the assault grenades off of them. I look at it as his special torture for each of us. He writes amazing codices with superb balance.... and loves assault squads with no assault grenades.


Except Space pups. Phil gave them assault grenades all around. I think he should to to his councilor about that one...


I hoped we will get the fate of pups, 10 years passed and I still have to field my Night Lords with CSM 2002 to get ELITE raptors...

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I had not noticed that Warp Talons lack grenades. That changes the dynamic in my mind. Raptors, I think, are definitely worth more now in comparison. Hmmm...


It is a Phil Kelly thing. He has this habit of going back over the codex when he is finished, finding the coolest CC unit in the 'dex and ripping the assault grenades off of them. I look at it as his special torture for each of us. He writes amazing codices with superb balance.... and loves assault squads with no assault grenades.


Except Space pups. Phil gave them assault grenades all around. I think he should to to his councilor about that one...


See also: Incubi.


Maybe he couldn't figure out how they'd throw the grenades with the half-meter long knives for fingers?

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Don't forget those claws are so sharp that they cut the very fabric of reality. Kind of hard to grab anything, much less grenades.


I'm now picturing them trying to pull the pins, slicing clean through the grenade and then having it detonate in their hands. Oops, no more Long War for that guy!

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Don't forget those claws are so sharp that they cut the very fabric of reality. Kind of hard to grab anything, much less grenades.


It's Chaos, no need to be so realistic. I'm sure they can just put grenade to exhaust of their jump packs, show their bottom to enemy and use jump pack to throw those grenades up to 24" away. Or, I don't know, there's bad with grenades in the warp, they can cut fabric of reality just above opponent's heads. Or at least give them some kind of vox casters (count as having frags) or something like that. But with current rules I'm sure we will just divide in 2 groups: those who have cool tables will not use them ever because all the enemies are in cover most of the time, and those who have simple tables with simple ruins will use them all the time because that's a killy unit on the plain ground.

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