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Someone back on page one said Warp Talos have one chance to deep strike and shout oooga booga! :D


That person is correct, and Warp Talos are a huge point sink- you can spot it from miles away.


They deep strike in, and get hit by ...a plasma cannon clipping at least 4-5 , plus the rest of the marine squad shooting (from far far away so no O-B!) and you loose half of the unit before they even did anything. One solution is to deep strike far on a flank and hope for no scatter (1 in 3 chance)


Otherwise, they are more expensive Raptors. They have the same basic save...and the extra cost of marks on talons will net you more raptors which are fine the way they are.


Raptors are fast, almost twice as cheap , and have flamers as an option. Meaning they can deal with both infantry and vehicles- take a champ with a weapon for vehicles....and glancing hits will strip away hull points.

While closing in, they can afford to take casualties more then W.Talons can.


Forget about 4++ on Talons- normal weapons will be their bane- they fail 3+ saves just like other MEQ.




Final note- 6th ed, I feel will be about massive squads of 30+ models of cheapish infantry in blobs (IG, cultists,orks, bugs- even eldar will get them sooner or later) - that's where Raptors come in.

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