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death guard fitting in


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Hi guys, i'm just starting my new chaos force and i have about 2k painted up so far. ive gone with a white colour scheme with copper trim, red details and orange rust effects.

I just bought a box of death guard, i love the models and the coulor scheme but i'm concerned about painting them green and still having them fit in to the rest of my army. i like it all not have a cohesive look.

any ideas as to how i could make the nurgle paint scheme fit in?

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They were corrupted physically during the heresy.


[edit]You know, just noticed the little circle A you have on the shoulder, there. Are you aware of the Chaos God of Anarchy? The God against Gods? Wouldn't take much to change your color scheme to match the followers of Malal, The Sons of Malice.

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As CN said, white Death Guard are actually rather common and look great. Basically off white armor, green trim, and plenty of rust and corrosion. So they wouldn't actually look that different from what you already have. Hell, you could essentially just paint them the same and give them a brown inkwash and you'd more or less have the desired effect.
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They were corrupted physically during the heresy.


[edit]You know, just noticed the little circle A you have on the shoulder, there. Are you aware of the Chaos God of Anarchy? The God against Gods? Wouldn't take much to change your color scheme to match the followers of Malal, The Sons of Malice.


i always liked malal, i considered doing these guys dedicated to malal but in the end i decided against it as there is no mark of malal in the codex (i assume) and i didnt want to make something up or have two different gods or something like that. i might make them malal for apocalypse and make up a mark for them though.

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But there are so many different marks and icons in the new codex I'm actually a bit giddy! Ok not really, but I'm close. Just what does 'giddy' mean anyway? I'm actually seriously considering making a malal force, and I have close to 5000 points dedicated just to Nurgle!
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I know there are boons I just assumed there were the same old 4 marks.


Giddy comes from old English giddic meaning insane or possesed


Oh, ok. Maybe I am then!




It seems like there is quite a bit more variety in how you can upgrade your troops now, is what I mean. Counts as this or that would be the way to go with Malal, being played similarly to an undivided warband, I would think. Maybe even some cool looking reptilian daemons to be summoned as allies, too. Dunno, just thinking...

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As others have said death guard colours are off white with green trimmings gw just paints them green becuase i dont know green looks diseased or something??? i think if you painted them up death guard they wouldnt even have to be that different to your other models just the trimmings green instead of gold they would clearly be plague marines as the models you got are obviously pm's just paint them the same but with some brown washes to make them dirtier.


here's my interpritation


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