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Chosen deathstar unit


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I'm theory crafting on the ride home and I'm curious about a chosen + Abbadon+ land raider death star.

Thinking power axes for the chosen to get through terminators or threaten MCs. Not sure on marks, maybe Nurgle?

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I'm theory crafting on the ride home and I'm curious about a chosen + Abbadon+ land raider death star.

Thinking power axes for the chosen to get through terminators or threaten MCs. Not sure on marks, maybe Nurgle?


Hmm, I would say that Nurgle is the most allround as they will get shot at, but the lures of Slaneesh is not that shabby either. Tzeentch kind of sucks on them since its only +1 to a non-existant Invul save, making it 6+

Abbadon has so much pure slaughter power, so his companions will probably not have much use for the mark of Khorne.


All in all, Nurgle is the best mark for them and also only an extra point compared to the rest.

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For an Abby Deathstar I'd go with a mix of weapons, since He's got S5 AP2 at initiative for Termies and S8 AP3 for monsters. I'd go with maybe 2 axes and 2 maces!


Charging terminators:


7(rage) +D6 S5 AP2 Attacks at I6 from Abaddon

6 S6 AP4 attacks from Mace Chosen

6 S6 AP2 Attacks at I 1 From 2 Axes


Mark of Khorne and add 4 to both Maces and Axes (10 of each)


I think that'd be a pretty hard hitting assault!

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I'm theory crafting on the ride home and I'm curious about a chosen + Abbadon+ land raider death star.

Thinking power axes for the chosen to get through terminators or threaten MCs. Not sure on marks, maybe Nurgle?


The power axes are probably over the top, maybe run two of them tops. Abby should be able to handle the majority of that role if need be.

The others I would do Mauls or LCs.


As for marks, I think for this type of unit you 100% want the MoK or MoS (I would lean to Khorne).

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I'm theory crafting on the ride home and I'm curious about a chosen + Abbadon+ land raider death star.

Thinking power axes for the chosen to get through terminators or threaten MCs. Not sure on marks, maybe Nurgle?


The power axes are probably over the top, maybe run two of them tops. Abby should be able to handle the majority of that role if need be.

The others I would do Mauls or LCs.


As for marks, I think for this type of unit you 100% want the MoK or MoS (I would lean to Khorne).


Every mark but Tzeentch seems pretty good on them. Against common Meta, I guess maybe slaneesh is very nice. I forgot about the meta a moment there, as I was thinking Guard for some strange reason...

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I think I'll run mine with Khârn, a powerfist, and a either a couple mauls/one pair of LCs or a pair of LCs and a maul....not sure yet. For the mark pretty sure it'd have to be khorne although I didn't see anything about characters being unable to join squads with an opposing mark.
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Tzeentch kind of sucks on them since its only +1 to a non-existant Invul save, making it 6+


Dunno if this is true in the new codex, but in the previous codex, a mark of Tzeentch either improved an existing Inv. Save by +1, or granted a 5+ Inv. Save to a model that didn't have one.


Not saying that this makes the MoT any more desirable though... B)

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Ouch, that both sucks and blows. Not really read all the rules yet, but I hope that Tzeentch players get some lovely new gear, or can work wonders with psychic powers.

Sadly, not especially? the tzeench only scrolls aren't exactly super great, and the tzeentch lore, while not awful, isn't exactly inspiring, and many players will find they prefer some rulebook lore. Tzeentch mostly only seems good at improving the ward save of units that already have them. Nice on ICs or terminators or warp talons or maybe oblits, though maybe not the best choice on any of them. But otherwise? This isn't exactly the time to be busting out the blue and gold.


Of course, tzeentch daemons do have a lot to say for themselves, with arguably the best or second best unit in every force org slot. So if you're into the changer of ways, best to start a daemon army, or at least include a heavy daemonic allied contingent. Then again, the daemons codex is on the short list, so who knows if any of that stuff will still be any good in a year's time.

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I'm new to Chaos, but not to the game. While the Tzeentch stuff isn't that interesting compared to the other marks, I think it's still viable when compared to a markless build, as example. Maybe not me tourney material, but can believe it is still able to deliver some solid builds for friendly play, don't seems to be a insta-lose army.


If I was a KSons player, I would be afraid to make it a go. Specially together with the C:CD as allies.


Maybe I'm more liberal with counting as compared to some here, but maybe you can use other powers/mark/icons on your Tzeentch army, with a proper fluff explanation/workaround.

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