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Greetings fellow hobbyists


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Hi there. I've been lurking as a guest on here for a while now, and I thought it high time to actually register and reap the benefits of being a member.


My name's Rich, I hail from Nottinghamshire, UK, and have been into the 40k hobby on and off for about 16-17 years, and recently have got back into the hobby on a more serious scale thanks to my girlfriend, of whom has also got into the hobby.


When I was introduced to the hobby by my dad, I was mainly interested in painting the miniatures, and got the second edition of 40k for Xmas that year (I'm unsure as to the exact year I was introduced to GW, but I'm pretty sure I was in primary (elementary) school or had just started secondary (high) school at that point...). Initially, I had chose to collect Space Marines, and wanted to paint them as Ultramarines.


After a while, I had put the hobby to one side to concentrate more on my college work, eventually picking it back up around the time of the third edition of 40k, and was stunned by the remoulds of the Space Marines. I then became interested in collecting Chaos Space Marines (I have quite a collection too, including a few converted models, such as my 2 dreadnoughts...).


I had then put it on the back burner again, and after a few years of not painting them, and in time for the release of Dark Vengeance, I've picked it back up, and am improving greatly on my painting skills. I'm collecting Space Marines yet again, and, as before, I'm choosing the Ultramarines chapter.


Like I said before, my interest in the hobby was primarily painting (And, later on, sculpting...), but I've always been interested to learn to play the game, but had never had anyone to learn with. That is until I met my present girlfriend. Seeing as she's become involved in the hobby, I've ended up getting her the ltd ed of DV for Xmas this year. Now we both have the advantage of learning the rules, and she gets a load of models to put together and paint, particularly the Dark Angels, seeing as she decided to collect them after painting the combat squad included in one of the GW starter sets.


Anyway, enough typing, as this intro is large as it is, so I shall end it here. Feel free to ask questions and the like. I'll post some photos of my minis on here soon. :D

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