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Rage filled hate rant

Mr Bill

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The only reason this rant is here is because it was directly spawned from me wanting to build out a Word Bearer's army. It just seems fluffy and fun to add in some demon allies with a Word Bearer's force, so I went to get some models and rules from my FLGS and found out that someone at a board meeting some day brought up the idea that they could release new rules via White Dwarf! Not just extra fluff rules, but rules that directly override the Chaos Demons Codex. It is would be one thing to say that models with big guns that are painted orange could be fielded as "Long Drong's super militantly focused space pirates of purple tentacled Jap Pop", but to override units that are already in the codex with new rules?!?! It used to be that I could field an army with just my codex, the BRB, the FAQ for my codex and the FAQ for the BRB and an army list from that army program that I won't call a builder because I am afraid I will get sued. now the norm for this game is to expect all of that, but instead of the army list from that army program that I won't call a builder because I am afraid I will get sued I need a hand written list as well as every freaking back copy of a fabulously overpriced periodical? One that I had BETTER subscribe to lest i miss out on the OFFICIAL rules for a game that I already spent countless hours of my life working a 9-5 so I can drop a few thousand on tiny plastic men? I want to throw another $300 at them, but I can't because there is no legal way to possibly get the rules for Choas Demons!!! They are sold out of White Dwarf 392, it is sold out on eBay and it is a mandatory rules addendum for playing the army since AB40K is not allowed to update that army program that I won't call a builder because I am afraid I will get sued with anything resembling enough information to play the game. This is absurdity!!!


I hold this crazy fantasy that Phil Kelly will somehow get an inheritance from an enormously wealthy uncle and declare all out war on stupidity within the halls of our beloved game! In this fantasy Phil Kelly, recognizing the lunacy around him and immediately able to pick out the driveling idiots who have no business making business decisions leads an army of gypsies wearing marching band instruments into the conference centers and boardrooms of GW and offers healthy doses of mind altering drugs to the inane members of the staff. These now-drug-induced staff member suddenly decide that a life wandering the desert is far better than their current gig which involves making myopic decisions about matters far beyond their comprehension and kissing up to whatever executive is lording over their organizationally challenged group this week. The idiots who decided things like "let's make chaos demons unplayable without a back edition of White Dwarf no one has" and "dude, let's make the entire Necron army FLYERS!" could go spend the rest of their days pursuing... whatever drug crazed desert wandering ex-corporate slaves want to pursue. Phil Kelly would buy the company, seat himself as the REAL emperor and with a fist of iron declare that the age of overbalance is upon us!


I just want a copy of that damned little booklet... or an up do date army list generation tool that is or is not to be called a builder... oh, I am so confused. Kelly guide me!



TLDR: I hate GW. I hate White Dwarf rules updates even more. I show this hate by smothering them in money. Sad :P

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@Iron Sage


It should probably be, but I am trying to be a good Chaos undivided player and was hoping to find other Word Bearers players similarly dejected so we could have one of those rare moments in human experience where everything looks terrible but you find another soul in the same position and you both somehow feel better about your situation knowing it is shared.

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I play daemons as well but I don't have it. I refuse to buy it as well so I'm simply going to wait until they release a new codex before playing my daemons again. Sad? Maybe but in GW's world we don't get much choice....


GW`s way of nerfing the flamers and screamers, haha. Eh, its sad though. Its very sad when your only option to obtain a product you have payed for (you have payed for the daemon codex after all), is buying a magazine that is limited in its numbers, forcing you to download it on a pirate site. What other choice is there? None.

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I play daemons as well but I don't have it. I refuse to buy it as well so I'm simply going to wait until they release a new codex before playing my daemons again. Sad? Maybe but in GW's world we don't get much choice....


GW`s way of nerfing the flamers and screamers, haha. Eh, its sad though. Its very sad when your only option to obtain a product you have payed for (you have payed for the daemon codex after all), is buying a magazine that is limited in its numbers, forcing you to download it on a pirate site. What other choice is there? None.



Sisters of Battle is my main army. The entire codex is WD only ... and unavailable in any language throughout this calendar year. So I feel your pain.

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I play daemons as well but I don't have it. I refuse to buy it as well so I'm simply going to wait until they release a new codex before playing my daemons again. Sad? Maybe but in GW's world we don't get much choice....


GW`s way of nerfing the flamers and screamers, haha. Eh, its sad though. Its very sad when your only option to obtain a product you have payed for (you have payed for the daemon codex after all), is buying a magazine that is limited in its numbers, forcing you to download it on a pirate site. What other choice is there? None.



Sisters of Battle is my main army. The entire codex is WD only ... and unavailable in any language throughout this calendar year. So I feel your pain.


Hehehe, I have a hard time understanding how they would lose a lot of money if they just put Sisters and the new daemon unit rules up on their site as a free download (probably sell a lot more of those sexy sister models at least). Of course, that would make sense, so that might be the reason :P

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GW`s way of nerfing the flamers and screamers

What? The new Screamers seem far better than the old ones. 4 strength 5 attacks at AP 2 (with armour bane) on the charge is pretty handy. GW wouldn't 'nerf' a unit and then release new minis for it (possessed are the obvious exception).


To the OP: I'd suggest giving GW customer service a call (if you haven't already) and seeing if they can help you out. Personally I like the WD update (it only effects the Screamers, Flamers and new Slaanesh charriots). I'm a WB player as well and I'm really looking forward to using a new Dark Apostle with my new Screamers. I really hope you're able to satisfactorily resolve the situation.

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GW`s way of nerfing the flamers and screamers

What? The new Screamers seem far better than the old ones. 4 strength 5 attacks at AP 2 (with armour bane) on the charge is pretty handy. GW wouldn't 'nerf' a unit and then release new minis for it (possessed are the obvious exception).


To the OP: I'd suggest giving GW customer service a call (if you haven't already) and seeing if they can help you out. Personally I like the WD update (it only effects the Screamers, Flamers and new Slaanesh charriots). I'm a WB player as well and I'm really looking forward to using a new Dark Apostle with my new Screamers. I really hope you're able to satisfactorily resolve the situation.



Lol! :P it was a joke...


Anyway, I am off to get some sleep now.

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Wouldn't be surprised if you see these rules on the e-book section of their website.


There was a time in the past when GW used to have oodles of awesome hobby tips and hobby articles pop up on their website. I wasn't into 40K back then, but one of those online GW articles taught me to spray paint skeletons white and brown wash them for an instant way to make thousands of skeleton miniatures. Another showed me how to build a gun emplacement, which I did and used for all sorts of games until the paint started to fade and the foam cracked and I had to throw it away.


Not to say it was enough to redeem the company in my eyes, but I give a nod of approval to where I feel it is deserved.


But Black Library selling wallpapers for download...


Or 9.99 digital download for how to paint your introductory starter set miniatures...


You don't want to keep throwing money into their pockets when you don't feel they deserve it? Then don't. Find ways to get what you want without doing feeding those bastards. I leave it up to your intuition to figure them out.

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GW`s way of nerfing the flamers and screamers

What? The new Screamers seem far better than the old ones. 4 strength 5 attacks at AP 2 (with armour bane) on the charge is pretty handy. GW wouldn't 'nerf' a unit and then release new minis for it (possessed are the obvious exception).


To the OP: I'd suggest giving GW customer service a call (if you haven't already) and seeing if they can help you out. Personally I like the WD update (it only effects the Screamers, Flamers and new Slaanesh charriots). I'm a WB player as well and I'm really looking forward to using a new Dark Apostle with my new Screamers. I really hope you're able to satisfactorily resolve the situation.



Lol! :lol: it was a joke...


Anyway, I am off to get some sleep now.

Well you got me :blush:

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Well the good news is that as far as my Word Bearers are looking, the new codex is only going to have me making a few minor purchases, Bad news is that I am going to have several units and converted characters now collecting dust on the shelf. All in all, from what I have seen i like the new 'dex, but I think they really need to open everything up and give access to items in the armouries for nearly any character.


As far as Daemon allies go, well, that's where they are gonna get me. My Word Bearers want the friendly natives of the warp to be able to come out and play alongside them, but it's only gonna happen for me in 2k + games. and yeah it is BS that we'd need to pay extra for the "changes" they decide to make to our codeci via their catalog disguised as a mag. (At least it used to be strictly that, have yet to see the new one to compare...God I miss Fat Bloke lol)


So I'll co-miserate with ya Mr Bill



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Hooray for angry rants.

As far as Necron fliers go, our havoks have skyfire now, so now we can bring the pain to the terminator wannabes.

The WD update is more disheartening to me because of how incoherent it is. It isn't really a nerf per se, but 'rules as written' sort of breaks the flamer and screamer until GW elaborates on how to use the 'daemon' USR, since the codex and BBRB differ.


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Hooray for angry rants.

As far as Necron fliers go, our havoks have skyfire now, so now we can bring the pain to the terminator wannabes.

The WD update is more disheartening to me because of how incoherent it is. It isn't really a nerf per se, but 'rules as written' sort of breaks the flamer and screamer until GW elaborates on how to use the 'daemon' USR, since the codex and BBRB differ.



Yeah but I was soooo hoping for a flak-defiler. (I dunno why)

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