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Noise Marines Question


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The word "or" is tricky and really depends on the context. It quite often does allow all the choices on one.

All of this is under one bullet point in the options.

Any Noise Marine may take

a close combat weapon ............................. X pts/model

or replace his boltgun with one of the followng:

- Close combat weapon ....................................... .free

- Sonic blaster .......................................... X pts/model

There is no limit to the number of times that option may be taken. The "or" is there to seperate the addition choice from the replace choices.



You could even give one model an axe, a chainsword, a maul and a spear if you wanted to. You could even give him a dozen chainswords if you wanted to be silly and blow the points. However, there is only one bolter to be traded off so that section can only happen once per model.

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"Or" is not tricky, "or" is one or the other. And/Or would be what you're suggesting Jacinda. As the entry is written Noise marines can have a sonic blaster and a bolt pistol, or a Bolter, bolt pistol and ccw, or a ccw and bolt pistol.


So, if you pay x points to take a ccw you cannot replace your bolter AT ALL, due to the options being both under the same bullet and seperated by the word "or".


Cheers- Rodentbane

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I remember this happening before and it came out like JAcinda is suggesting, that the NM can take an additional CCW added to his starting kit OR (ALSO) replace his boltgun for 2nd CCW or Sonics.


It does leave an option for SonicSquad 6 open though...excellent...

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Actually ANY is what allows it to be taken multiple times.


Any marine may have a CCW. So I pick one and give him a ccw.

Any marine may replace his boltgun with a Sonic Blaster. So I pick the marine with the ccw and replace his boilter with a Sonic Blaster.

We now have a Noise Marine with SB, BP and CCW as was originally asked.

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That doesn't work at all, it doesn't say Any marine may replace his boltgun in a seperate option. It's a part of the same option.


Any Noise Marine may take

a close combat weapon ............................. X pts/model

or replace his boltgun with one of the followng:

- Close combat weapon ....................................... .free

- Sonic blaster .......................................... X pts/model


Any noise marine can take a ccw for x points, this would give you a bolter,bp,ccw


Replace a bolter with a ccw for free, giving you a bp/ccw


Replace a bolter with an SB for x points, giving you a SB/BP


If the options were under seperate bullets you would be correct. However they are under the same bullet and seperated with OR meaning the second set of options negates the first option. so you can either pay for a ccw OR replace your boltgun, not both. If I gave you the choice cake or pie, it's one or the other not both. It's the same here. Replace OR with AND/OR and you could give them SB/BP/CCW, but the codex isn't written that way.


Yeah we used to have SB/BP/CCW, but sadly we no longer do, live with it.


Cheers- Rodentbane

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Looking at the section again, am I correct in understanding that the champion can't take a sonic blaster at all?


Jup, only a Doom Siren.


Well... fart.



It says that any Noise Marine may replace his bolter for a Sonic Blaster. The Noise Champion is still a Noise Marine so I'd say yes he can. The separate character entry adds additional options, all of which say: he may take. Not: "he must take", or "he may only take".

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Looking at the section again, am I correct in understanding that the champion can't take a sonic blaster at all?


Jup, only a Doom Siren.


Well... fart.



It says that any Noise Marine may replace his bolter for a Sonic Blaster. The Noise Champion is still a Noise Marine so I'd say yes he can. The separate character entry adds additional options, all of which say: he may take. Not: "he must take", or "he may only take".

Thats not the way 40k works though. It would need to say any model to allow both the Noise Marines and the Noise Marine champion to take it.

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The Noise Champion is still a Noise Marine so I'd say yes he can.

Incorrect. Noise champ =/= noise marine. Its right there in the words. Like how a tactical sergeant cannot take a flamer. He is a marine, yes, but the model is called: "veteran sergeant".

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I'm pretty sure it's not like union/disjunction statements.


Would you like some pizza or beer?


This doesn't have to mean you can only have one of the two, since it could easily be translated to..


Would you like some pizza? Would you like some beer?


We can hear a difference in the tone of voice we use when speaking, but that's sadly lost in writing. And Jacinda is always right.

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The word "or" is tricky and really depends on the context. It quite often does allow all the choices on one.

All of this is under one bullet point in the options.

Any Noise Marine may take

a close combat weapon ............................. X pts/model

or replace his boltgun with one of the followng:

- Close combat weapon ....................................... .free

- Sonic blaster .......................................... X pts/model

There is no limit to the number of times that option may be taken. The "or" is there to seperate the addition choice from the replace choices.

As per the rules of the English language and per RAW this sums it up perfectly.



You could even give one model an axe, a chainsword, a maul and a spear if you wanted to. You could even give him a dozen chainswords if you wanted to be silly and blow the points. However, there is only one bolter to be traded off so that section can only happen once per model.

This screams for conversion...


"Does that Noise Marine have seven swords?"


"They're not just modeled on for aesthetics?"

"Oh, not only are the swords modeled for aesthetics, but they're also bought and paid for, sir."

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