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Bikes or Raptors


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bikes . mace biker lords are going to be actualy played and biker units can be bought cheaper then raptor units . raptors in general dont fit in to our armies , because everything costs so more points now . Doesnt mean that raptors are bad per se , they are better then they were , just because marks and icons have changed. But still taking them makes the list too unbalanced.
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My vote is raptors simply because I can't stand the idea of a marine on a space Harley. I hate it with a passion!

You could always make it a Space R1 if you want. Or a Quad.


I will consider bikes when I can model my marines on pint sized defilers. B)

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My vote is raptors simply because I can't stand the idea of a marine on a space Harley. I hate it with a passion!

You could always make it a Space R1 if you want. Or a Quad.


I will consider bikes when I can model my marines on pint sized defilers. B)


Model them or arachnid legs and use as count as ;)

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I'm planning on doing both, Nurgle Bikers for sure as I'm going Nurgle Biker Lord for the annoyance factor if nothing else. I'm not sure how to equip Raptors optimally I'm thinking two plasma guns for my Raptors and one Flamer and one Melta for the bikers who will ride with the Lord.
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Definitely Raptors. 5-10 man squad with meltaguns jumping around cover, blowing up vehicles and counter-charging enemy units. I just like the feel alot more. Also, I've never liked bikes as a personal thing. Space Marines riding bikes shooting rockets always seemed kinda OTT, even for GW :)
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I love bikes, but I like the raptor models plus I have bikes in my SW army and will probably have them again in my DA army when I attempt that project. If not for all that I'd probably pick bikes quick tho, especially with the mark of nurgle and a multiwound character.
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Bikers appeal to me quite a lot now, and I'm considering modelling a unit of Night Lords bikers with MoN and Scary Icon...
Been using that since forever in friendly games, and now that they are even better - fun times ahead!

Edit: Found some old pics:




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why no DE chains added with the token "just married cans"-look alike imperial guardsman draged behind .and the obligatory nurgle NL lord on his attack bike to make him more huge [double good nowadays with how the mace works] ?

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