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Word Bearers Omnibus Question

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As I have only read the individual books of the trilogy and not the Omnibus version, I have heard rumours regarding the fate of Burias and a few others, possibly. Could someone please be so kind as to enlighten me on this matter. Here is what I am aware of so far, in spoiler text of course:



After the 3rd book Ashkanez and Khalaxis are dead, as well as the revered Warmonger. Are there any others that are mentioned as being dead? Burias is mortally wounded and is rumoured to have been interred into a dreadnought/hellbrute, is this correct? I assume that Darioq-Grendhal dies, any info on that in the omnibus? Any other info on any other characters in the aftermath?



Thanks in advance for any clarification on the questions I posed....



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The dreadnought thing does indeed happen.



The new Treacheries of the Space Marines has a story at the end of it you might find interesting as well. Kol Badar and co. have some interesting things happen to them, and it leaves off with their ultimate fates in question in what, to my mind, hints strongly at another book or serial.

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