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Abaddon appreciation thread

Captain Idaho

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It's hard not to get involved with the fever of excitment surround the Chaos Space Marines Codex right now (possibly the onset of Nurgle's rot?) so I thought I'd get involved!


Reading through the Codex and I realised something that horrified me as a potential opponent of Chaos Marines... Abaddon is now the beastliest thing in 40K! Next to no-one will charge him or a unit he's in unless trying to somehow slow him down, and if he gets the charge he actually gets 7 attacks basic thanks to his Mark of Khorne and two specialist weapons. If the Despoiler of Worlds decideds to use his Daemon weapon he'll get another D6 attacks, with only the slim hope of rolling a 1 saving people! Shall we also try and forget he has hatred and Preferred Enemy against Space Marines then? Or the Chaos Boons table?


That's seriously killer. Nothing can stand against him in 40K barring a disporportionate amount of luck, surely? I think the best chance many armies will have of killing him will be to hope he becomes a Chaos Spawn!


So I want to read some anecdotes of 6th edition uses of Abaddon and just what he carves through. Entire armies perhaps? Entertain me!

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Do you really think a 1 is going to save you! He'd still be hitting with a third of a gazillion attacks, there is no stopping the Lord of the Black Crusades.


I'm not likely to use him much, but I think the best and most fun use of him is finding Draigo and Mephiston and beating them senseless.

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