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Chaos Codex QnA

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Almost everything sounds good, looking forward to getting my hands on my copy. I wonder if thats right about aspiring sorcerers being able to take the rulebook disciplines, sounds fishy to me considering they are only level one. Does anyone know if you can give other units the infernal ammunition to theme them to TS? i've not seen it mentioned anywhere so far
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Basically the same thing as the 4th ed, but with a cool timeline of Chaos activities since 30K to 41K. But the addition to the army lists and overall presentation pay it off nicely, IMO.


There's a lot new art, not special itself, but it together with the mini porn and the presentation make it worth.

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I got the new codex today. Most everything is cheaper and a few things are higher. All in all its the 4th ed codex with new units



I can't seem to find a flyer in the old book. Can you give the page number? Also, the cultists seem to be missing and I distinctly remember having them before. If you know what part of the 4th Ed book has those, could you pass it along?


Am sure I am missing tons more, like two types of jumpers, cc oblits, artifacts et cetera, but we can start with those. Let me know where to find them. K?thx,bai

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I got the new codex today. Most everything is cheaper and a few things are higher. All in all its the 4th ed codex with new units



I can't seem to find a flyer in the old book. Can you give the page number? Also, the cultists seem to be missing and I distinctly remember having them before. If you know what part of the 4th Ed book has those, could you pass it along?


Am sure I am missing tons more, like two types of jumpers, cc oblits, artifacts et cetera, but we can start with those. Let me know where to find them. K?thx,bai


I think he is stating that it is not a major revamp of the old. It is the Gav dex tweaked, which is what rumors have said for quite some time. It is NOT a 3.5 dex.

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I got the new codex today. Most everything is cheaper and a few things are higher. All in all its the 4th ed codex with new units



I can't seem to find a flyer in the old book. Can you give the page number? Also, the cultists seem to be missing and I distinctly remember having them before. If you know what part of the 4th Ed book has those, could you pass it along?


Am sure I am missing tons more, like two types of jumpers, cc oblits, artifacts et cetera, but we can start with those. Let me know where to find them. K?thx,bai

I think you missed a crucial bit there...

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Basically the same thing as the 4th ed, but with a cool timeline of Chaos activities since 30K to 41K. But the addition to the army lists and overall presentation pay it off nicely, IMO.


There's a lot new art, not special itself, but it together with the mini porn and the presentation make it worth.


I concur. The timeline is cool, we finally get some meaningful real victories. First time in the Chaos history ! Yeah ! Plus, our fluff isn't retarded SW/GK style, which is pretty incredible with GW these days.

The art feels a bit cartoonish to me. Not fond of it, but that's decent.


It is NOT a 3.5 dex.


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I got the new codex today. Most everything is cheaper and a few things are higher. All in all its the 4th ed codex with new units



I can't seem to find a flyer in the old book. Can you give the page number? Also, the cultists seem to be missing and I distinctly remember having them before. If you know what part of the 4th Ed book has those, could you pass it along?


Am sure I am missing tons more, like two types of jumpers, cc oblits, artifacts et cetera, but we can start with those. Let me know where to find them. K?thx,bai


I think I remember the Thorpe dex having really sad Fast Attack option in general, making most chaos space marine list omitt them completly. Ironically, in this codex every single Fast Attack choice is truly good, including SPAWNS!


So yeah, I dont think hehas read the book...

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I got the new codex today. Most everything is cheaper and a few things are higher. All in all its the 4th ed codex with new units



I can't seem to find a flyer in the old book. Can you give the page number? Also, the cultists seem to be missing and I distinctly remember having them before. If you know what part of the 4th Ed book has those, could you pass it along?


Am sure I am missing tons more, like two types of jumpers, cc oblits, artifacts et cetera, but we can start with those. Let me know where to find them. K?thx,bai


I think he is stating that it is not a major revamp of the old. It is the Gav dex tweaked, which is what rumors have said for quite some time. It is NOT a 3.5 dex.


Obviously its not. But we knew this already so that point is moot in my opinion.


Its a fact that there are far more viable choices in this codex compared to the old though. Fast Attack is a quick example here. Raptors, bikers, Spawns (!!!) etc., all good

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