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New codex

Wulfgar 25

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Hi brothers!


I am going to play chaos, and would like to know which are the best units now for the army, please :) !



well its subjective.. always has been and always will be, regardess of new dex.

fruthermore the very few people who have thier dex early wouldnt be able to answer this just yet anyway, it will take time to figure it all out.


do you play chaos currently, or is it a wagon 'band cuz' of the new dex?


a few questions that might help any advice:

which armies do you face most often?

what experience do you have with chaos?

what do you want from the army, something themey, or just a face wrecker for making your friends cry?

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well a basic chaos sm squad seems really good now, they have the option to be cheep or they can be expensive and good. same goes with havocs, they have got to be the cheapest 4 heavy weapon unit ive ever seen! 135pts for 5 with 4 missile launchers.
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I agree with what GC said. Folks either don't have the dex, nor have they had time to play it. So your decisions may have to go with Fluff, like/dislike of new models, theme.


If you want know based on how well these will work on the gaming table, then that needs vetting through experience.


If you have an army already, just wait for the dex and proxy stuff with a gaming budd/group to see what may work not work.

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Hi brothers!


I am going to play chaos, and would like to know which are the best units now for the army, please :P !



well its subjective.. always has been and always will be, regardess of new dex.

fruthermore the very few people who have thier dex early wouldnt be able to answer this just yet anyway, it will take time to figure it all out.


do you play chaos currently, or is it a wagon 'band cuz' of the new dex?


a few questions that might help any advice:

which armies do you face most often?

what experience do you have with chaos?

what do you want from the army, something themey, or just a face wrecker for making your friends cry?


I want to have fun. I would like don't use units to be killed on the second or third round, nor use units people will not like to play against me, hehe!


I shall use a "generic" chaos army, thinking if 3 helldreakes would be good, or the raptors / warp fiends (and how many of them).


I dislike the resin minis and I am trying to avoid them if possible.

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For games of 1500 to 2k, 1 drake only so?


as i said before, hard to say one way or the other without knowing the dex better.. rumours suggest the drake has only one weapon, so if your facing an army that has no flyers, it seems a bit of a waste IMO

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For games of 1500 to 2k, 1 drake only so?


as i said before, hard to say one way or the other without knowing the dex better.. rumours suggest the drake has only one weapon, so if your facing an army that has no flyers, it seems a bit of a waste IMO



Thanks a lot, I will buy only one so!

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Gut feeling for the best units (also because they changed a little and where really effective before also):



- Lord

- Daemon Prince

- Named characters



- Cultists

- (Regular) Chaos Space Marines

- Chaos Terminators

- Havocs

- Obliterators



- Helldrakes (no need to load up to heavy on them)

- Fiends (need heavy mech support allround to be really effective)

- Defiler

- Predator

- Vindicator



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Helldrakes do only take 1 weapon, but since it can be the baleflamer, it's ok. A hades autocannon can fire at troops as well as fliers. Don't forget vector strikes as well.
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Gut feeling for the best units (also because they changed a little and where really effective before also):



- Lord

- Daemon Prince

- Named characters



- Cultists

- (Regular) Chaos Space Marines

- Chaos Terminators

- Havocs

- Obliterators



- Helldrakes (no need to load up to heavy on them)

- Fiends (need heavy mech support allround to be really effective)

- Defiler

- Predator

- Vindicator




Pretty sure sorcerors should also be in that list. The ability to have a 3++ save, force weapons and artifacts, whats not to love there?

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