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Terminator delivery


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So I'm planning on having a terminator heavy army led by Abby. The weapon options and marks and stuff are cool but I can't seem to figure out a decent way of transporting them to the thick of the fighting where I will want them. Is putting 5 in a Landraider or walking really our only options? Even looking at forge world there is nothing to help out, dreadclaw maybe but still only takes 5 termies as far as I can see. I've not read the rules for it though so perhaps they are cheap enough to be viable?


Any ideas guys? Am I missing something or is that just the way we're gonna have to roll?

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Deep strike always works for me, theres a small risk but its usually fine. The ability to go where ever you want is a valuable one indeed!
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I use deep strike for thematic purposes, but I have to admit it's been going poorly for me. My squad has this amazing ability to find any un-landable zone within range of where I try to put them and deep strike exactly onto it. In the last three games, I've had: scatter 10 inchess onto impassable terrain, scatter 10 inches onto an enemy model (the trygon was the only thing within a 12" bubble that they couldn't land on!), and scatter 12" to fall off the board. Two of those times, the unit was dead, and the third they arrived in the far corner as a result and never saw combat.


With pre-measure theoretically you can avoid that stuff, but it can be difficult to find any location with nothing impassible in range by the second or third turn, let alone one that can be called remotely advantageous.


Still, I'm convinced that my bad luck will wear off and deep strike will start working with me. Maybe I'll start fielding a winged prince or jump lord with raptors or talons and give them the key.

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well, youve been so unlucky that you cant possibly be unlucky next time! perhaps ive had all your luck as ive had direct hits the last 3 times ive deepstruck.....
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Let them travel in style, a Land Raider with a dirge caster! :)


It sure would be nice to be able to fit 5in terminators + 1 HQ though.


So take 4+HQ; the only thing you miss out on with that fifth Termie is the reaper/heavy flamer option, and Termies are still minimum unit of three.

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Deep Strike to hunt some stuff up.


Now you can put them in a Land Raider, the only sad thing about our new 'dex is the lack of good transportation.

We have a Rhino and a Land Raider not a real problem but would have loved some Helltalon love...


Note: Our Terminators shine in unit small specific unit killings.

They are not Hammernators, cannot come close to them and in general work wonders with some support.

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"These boots are made for walking...."


With Reaper Autocannanon and combi-bolters you stand a good chance to cause much trouble at range as well as draw the enemies attention. Many players see Terminators and overreact, use that to your advantage.


And that makes sense right up until you find yourself facing a Vindicator. Hope you've got good cover or the Mark of Tzeentch...

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"These boots are made for walking...."


With Reaper Autocannanon and combi-bolters you stand a good chance to cause much trouble at range as well as draw the enemies attention. Many players see Terminators and overreact, use that to your advantage.


And that makes sense right up until you find yourself facing a Vindicator. Hope you've got good cover or the Mark of Tzeentch...


If a vindicator has the oppertunity todrop a shell on me then the battle is already going ill. That being said I would rather loose about 3 terminators to a vindi shell than 8 or 9 marines.

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"These boots are made for walking...."


With Reaper Autocannanon and combi-bolters you stand a good chance to cause much trouble at range as well as draw the enemies attention. Many players see Terminators and overreact, use that to your advantage.


And that makes sense right up until you find yourself facing a Vindicator. Hope you've got good cover or the Mark of Tzeentch...


It makes however sense if you field Ahriman or Huron... :P

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you said FW was not really helpful, by that i imagine it is an option in your group? if so might i suggest the spartan assault tank it hold 25 models or 12 terminators plus mounts four TL lascannons and a reaper autocannon. if its not an option than i think that walking them would be pretty scary, although youd have trouble with fast armies. if they deep struck as poorly as seems to be mals luck the game would be over (termis plus abaddon equals a lot of points.)
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With Reaper Autocannanon and combi-bolters you stand a good chance to cause much trouble at range as well as draw the enemies attention.


I've always wanted to do this, I'll probably give it a shot sometime. I can forsee having massive ordnance problems, though.

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